The death of Kevin Budden

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I have read that before,
it is a great story, always touches me, people like that are true herpers, he died doing what he loved, and saved lives in the proccess.

I have just decided, that when I one day get Taipans, I will name one after him.

Good on you, for posting that sherm.
"Ow ow, stop biting me Budden, ow stop it"

Brodes last
what i don't understand is if you are going after a deadly snake why go alone? i wouldn't call this guy a true herper, rather an idiot!
jesus christ dude,
you just called the man many herpetologists respect more than god.
Why couldnt you just keep your mouth shut man!
While we all owe him a debt, he still let his enthusiasm could his judgement. Grabbing a fatality venomous snake when there is no antivenin available is not a smart act. Its not as if the taipan is a rare snake, there would have been other opportunities.
So what? People are supposed to leave snakes, because there is no anti-venin for them?? How do you think anti-venin was first made.

Also how many taipans have you seen fuscus, Im not sure if they are 'rare' but they are extremely hard to find, poor Johnny Weigal is having trouble finding them!
maybe cos he thought he was god he wouldn't get biten!! brought him down a peg or too...

still shouldn't of gone on his own.
ahh, I never said anyone thought he was god, or he respected himself more than God, read my post and then comment.

How much herping do you do? I go out everyday and nearly always go alone. I handle elapids, whats wrong with it? If he didnt go alone, he would never have found that snake, and people may have had to wait longer for antivenom.

This guy is a hero. Get used to it.
sorry to say but if people just left the bush alone and don't go in there then they most likely won't get bitten. on the farms you have no choice but people in towns and cities do the reptiles are best left alone not disturbed or picked up. it brings stress on them exspecialy being wild. and they say while bush walking or camping never go alone just in chase you get bitten or something dangerous happens. brodie if you got bittin you wouldn't be thought of a hero you will thought of an idoit who dicided to go alone and died because of it. yeah antivenom was produced by the snakes they needed the snakes venom to make the antivenom thats what i heard and read. no ones a hero i don't think no guy that goes out there and gets themselfs killed just for that is an idoit. maybe if people just stood still the snake would move on. and then maybe they should of just not go in the bush or where there are snakes and that is less chance of getting bitten.
he's not a hero, a hero isn't someone that kilsl themselves for self glory. after reading that article it sounds like he didn't ahve a intelligent bone in his body.
Oh ok,
I have seen a quite a few, but I lived up that way for 6 years hehee
what the hell would you know?
How many venomous snakes have you caught?
have you even handled a taipan?
he caught it for a reason, and you must remember things were different back then.

he has indirectly SAVED LIVES, so how the hell could he not be a hero?

Also, for the record: I do not agree entirely with what he did, it was his fault, he made a mistake, but he IS a HERO and is respected!
exactly things were different, you may say i've caught this and that, but there is also alot more known abt them now. you no more of what to expect.

and no i haven't handled a taipan, i have more common sense unlike the 'hero' you keep referring too
ah, so you are now saying everyone who has handled taipans have no common sense???
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