This is whats available in the UK

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Jungle_Freak said:
the land tortoises would be really nice ,

Sdaji said:
I know the grass is supposed to be greener on the other side, but I can't see one reptile on that list which I'd prefer over our natives. We live in the best country in the world, overall and when it comes to reptiles. I'm very greatful, but complain as much as you like :)

MrBredli said:
I agree, nothing on that list tickles my fancy at all.

MDPython said:
hear hear! wel said Sdaji i agree

Each to his own I guess. IMO there are some choice species listed there, and if I had to move over there, even temnporarily, I'd take the opportunity to get what experience I could with as many different species as took my fancy.

Not saying they're better or worse than Aussie natives, just different.


Hix, exactly my point, I'm not sure why some people can't or want accept that there might be some quite nice reptiles in the rest of the world, they don't have to be better or worse but as you say they are different and can be appreciated without feeling guilty.
awww i want a tortise,,,,,,,,,, no, 2,,,,,,,,no 3 ohhhh bugger, i could never decide, guess i'll just forget it and console myself with another MD :p
Re: RE: This is whats available in the UK

Moreliaman said:
Hi Neil,
I don’t usually buy from peter & co ! Although I would imagine he’s one of the larger importers & some of the livestock i buy from wholesalers was originally imported by him,
I have heard they are trying to open up some big import farm in Indonesia !! Catching stuff from the wild & throwing it in an enclosure until it dumps its offspring ! Then import it in bulk to UK & anyone else that wants to buy !
I’ve also heard peter Blake is trying to invest in with him, but how much of it is true I don’t know (you know what rumours are like in this trade! :roll: ) personally I can't imagine Mr Blake having the financial back up required for such a large scale investment !
(Mr blake is the owner of the shop where adam ockwell (an employee) was recently tagged by a hannah ! I believe adam has lost one of his fingers ! that’s what happens when you’re complacent with vens I guess !)
I used to have a reptile shop here in the UK, and when dealing with certain suppliers you tend to make friendships with some & they then become more than just a supplier (I’m sure its the same with you & your suppliers) so I am still able to buy stuff trade & frequently get sent lists, I don’t advertise, just sell to friends, friends of friends & old customers tend to contact me when they want something. Lets face it, once you get involved with reptiles….you’re usually hooked for life !!

Hi MM,
Adam Ockwell was a lucky fella to of just lost a finger! LOL
Since the ownership at Herpetofauna changed, it's not been the same from what I have been told, so it doesn't surprise me that a few of the big importers are thinking of setting up captive breeding farms(ie.catch gravid snakes and release later farms! LOL! It's been done that way for years anyway.)

So, when are you coming out here MM?Or have things changed?

Cheers Neil
Certainly a great list & some impressive animals, thanks for sharing this insight into the UK Herp scene.
Best they're not available here, funds are running low as it is!
The one thing they've got in the UK is a vast selection of reptiles to choose from - snakes from Europe, America, Asia etc etc. It's quite mind boggling. But I don't think anyone here should be too upset - Aussie snakes are sensational, and there'll be plenty of people over there just wishing they could get their hands on beautiful Australian snakes.
The one thing I will say to that is that there are very few Aussie species they can't get over there. Maybe Rough Scaled Pythons but not many others but like I said it's not a competition.
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