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Know-It-All-Ism? FYI I'm not a know it all, a know it all, would know it all, and I don't know it all. Thus I am not a know it all.
Clearly you missed Sesame Street today. Don't worry, I'm sure if you and teddy get up super early and ask your mummy to turn the tv on, you might catch it.

dude......stop spoiling the fun its so annouying!
Since the Mum jokes are in...

Vinny, your Mum is so stupid that she got hit by a parked car.

Luke I'm not spoling any fun, I'm just replying to a post that was directed toward me.
Come on Omega... that was as little low speaking of which your mum just walked under my bed... She is short! - still got her heels on

Don't be mean we saw her standing on the curb and we thought she was going to commit suicide
blurb don't be hating on other peoples mums

your mum is so fat that when you sits around the house .....she litereally sits around the entire house
tell her to take her bloody toys next time she leaves my place, also tell her not to bring in those bloody cuffs, they just arent cumfy for me

Not very original but for someone Like your self with that extra chromosome I guess it's the best we can hope for. It's easier for when your only worry is not to forget your helmet when you get on the bus and should hope that you get a matching scooby doo drink bottle with your lunch box. I'll have to tell your mum to swallow next time. Can't have another one of you getting around can we.
your mum is so dirty it took 12 hrs to get a quote from a beautician
Bunch of gimps, the lot of you... no wonder this site has gone to the dogs.

Where are the mods?

Couldnt agree more, threads like this and many others shouldnt be allowed and be deleted by mods, seriously this is a Reptile Forum not a who is wearing what, or who had their hair coloured, or what music do you like site, why not save that for in the chat room or on your private message board.

It no wonder a lot of experienced keepers just dont bother with this site anymore.
Know-It-All-Ism? FYI I'm not a know it all, a know it all, would know it all, and I don't know it all. Thus I am not a know it all.
Clearly you missed Sesame Street today. Don't worry, I'm sure if you and teddy get up super early and ask your mummy to turn the tv on, you might catch it.

For a start, your 1st sentence was know-it-all ism at its finest!!
and second.. sooo, you did know Sesame Street was on!! Did you like this episode? What letter did Sesame Street teach you today.?
Not very original but for someone Like your self with that extra chromosome I guess it's the best we can hope for. It's easier for when your only worry is not to forget your helmet when you get on the bus and should hope that you get a matching scooby doo drink bottle with your lunch box. I'll have to tell your mum to swallow next time. Can't have another one of you getting around can we.

Thats funny, I think I actually saw vinny on the bus once...he was licking the windows
Not very original but for someone Like your self with that extra chromosome I guess it's the best we can hope for. It's easier for when your only worry is not to forget your helmet when you get on the bus and should hope that you get a matching scooby doo drink bottle with your lunch box. I'll have to tell your mum to swallow next time. Can't have another one of you getting around can we.

your gone mate- that was truly too dirty for the mods haha
Couldnt agree more, threads like this and many others shouldnt be allowed and be deleted by mods, seriously this is a Reptile Forum not a who is wearing what, or who had their hair coloured, or what music do you like site, why not save that for in the chat room or on your private message board.

It no wonder a lot of experienced keepers just dont bother with this site anymore.


It's the CHIT CHAT forum, it's for NON-HERP realated crap
I feel privileged to be in this thread before it gets deleted.
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