Time to introduce myself I guess!

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Active Member
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
Perth, WA
Hi everyone :) Awesome site you guys have here.. I'm in perth so it's interesting to see all the stories and different reptiles you guys keep over in the eastern states - I'm a tad jealous :)

Anyway heres a bit about me and my pets...

I have 2 Western Bearded Dragons, a female named Petunia and a male named Cornelius.. Petunia being a girl isn't really cuddly, but Cornelius has a tendency to fall asleep at the drop of a hat usually laying flat on his back in my hand and refuses to eat his fruit from a bowl because he likes to be tweezer fed..

I also have 5 Northern Green Tree Frogs, from what I can tell I have 3 or 4 females and 1 definate male.. They don't have names because I couldn't come up with any decent ones apart from the first one that I got - his/her name is Fatso but sometimes I call him/her Mongo because of a funny leg.

I also have other non-reptile pets - dog, cats, fish, birds etc.. I'm a big fan of fish which is no suprise since I worked in the pet shop/aquarium industry for about 6 or 7 years.. So theres the bit about my pets, now about me :) I'm 23 and my names Chris (no, not Christopher, Christine) ..not much more to tell about me!

Well now I have said hi so I guess thats all for now :)
Wellllllcome :D

The Perth people are taking overr!
lol donkey, she wasnt too happy with the leash and cage lol...

Back on point, WELCOME to APS Chris...sounds like you own a menagerie of animals all ready lol, have fun here
PS. some pics would be great. lol
But yeah, we actually pretty friendly, welcome to the site
Thanks guys! :) I'll post some pics of my pets in the next couple of days.. I'm kinda jealous of the size beardies you guys get over there.. ours are tiny here and its not fair!
Hi Chris - Welcome. Looking forward to seeing pics.
I've always had plans for a python! but i only have a category 2 license, and i fell behind on my license records which means no license upgrade for me for a lil while :(
i just need to find friends who have pythons! then I wont need one of my own :)
Ah you say that now Bourbs but you will find yourself trying to sneak out of the door with them :p
oh i wont sneak.. the trick is to say something like "ok so ill be going now" and just walk straight out the door with it.. just to test out who is too polite to say anything before i got to my car haha
Welcome bourbs very easy to get addicted like i have its a great site.
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