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Apr 20, 2015
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Can wild diamonds be tamed?

Hi all,

My family and I are about to move into a new house and I've just discovered a small (~70cm) Diamond Python in the pool cupboard. I have a large dog (retriever-sized) and chickens, and two very inquisitive children.
I don't really want to go to the effort of buying a viv and licensing the snake as a pet, but I quite like the idea of having a 'friendly' DP in the garden.
Is it possible to tame wild DPs? Is this legal (or does it require a license)? Am I crazy?

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My advice would be to keep the dog, chickens, children and whoever else away from it, call in a licensed snake remover who will relocate it to a local area where it can go about its business again without fear of being hassled or unnecessarily injured. Telling us where u live would also be a big help as I'm pretty sure it's illegal in most states of Australia to keep wild caught reptiles.

The problem with having a diamond in your garden is that you can't guarantee it isnt going to come into contact with the dog, the kids and/or the chickens. If you value the chickens I'd go to every possible length to ensure they don't cross paths with a potentially hungry snakey.
It's illegal to remove, interfere or even touch native wildlife without the correct licenses or permits - so keeping it is out of the question. It's only small so I wouldn't worry about it going the dog or chickens - in fact the reverse, it's probably more at risk from them.
Either take the risk to any animals welfare and leave it be, or call a catcher to relocate it - these are your only two real options.
My advice would be to keep the dog, chickens, children and whoever else away from it, call in a licensed snake remover who will relocate it to a local area where it can go about its business again without fear of being hassled or unnecessarily injured. Telling us where u live would also be a big help as I'm pretty sure it's illegal in most states of Australia to keep wild caught reptiles.

The problem with having a diamond in your garden is that you can't guarantee it isnt going to come into contact with the dog, the kids and/or the chickens. If you value the chickens I'd go to every possible length to ensure they don't cross paths with a potentially hungry snakey.
it is totally illegal to keep wild reptiles and it is illegal for you to even touch it without a damage mitigation licence / permit
agree with responses - call your local friendly snake catcher and get it back to its habitat - if in Bris I'll do it for you
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