Transporting pythons

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Is it easier to transport it in your sock SW. :lol:
NoOne said:
I can understand it with small snakes.
Big snakes could get their teeth caught in the trailings.
Speaking of which, my big water refuses to go into a bag, it is just to much effort and stress (for both of us) to bag her. Instead I use one of those big plastic containers and fill it with screwed up newspaper. She happly hides in there and I have had no problems so far.
every time i put my spotted python in a contanier then try and get her out she strikes at me but a couple days ago i was weighing her and i took her out of the contanier with no troubles at all


Is it easier to transport it in your sock SW.


Is that an "insiders" viewpoint Zoe?

Depends on what your inside of and with what eye your viewing the inside with. :? :lol:
Oh god not a scale!
Sounds like a deadly situation to me.
Let me guess, the cotton will rip out the scale and get infected causing the snake to go blind and lose it tongue. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: this will then infect any snakes within a 20 mile radius :roll: :roll:

I'm obviously new to keeping reptiles..... are they made of wet paper now?
Geez, I didn't know just by getting a scale caught it causes all these problems. Thanks NoOne, I'll keep it in mind. I thuoght slatey was joking. LOL :shock: :lol: :wink:
Na mate theres just a few people here who are members of the over reaction squad. :lol:
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