Tv Cabinet conversion.

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I ended up using these light fittings. Sanding and stain is done, now need to get the glass and runners from the glazier.

Haven't priced the runners or tracks from a glazier but you can buy the tracks from bunnings at a reasonable price.

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Glass cost me $95 from the glazier and the runners were $20 from bunnings.
My glazier seems to be cheaper than yours - only about $50 for similar near me. I know you have the light fittings, but I highly recommend shelves with heat cord. It is much easier on the electricity bill. I build a wooden frame, then put the a tile on top and fly screen below. Put a perch underneath and the snake can choose back or belly heat. The heat cord is cheaper to run than globes. I also use LED lights because they don't need a cage and are really cheap to run, plus last ages. It is great fun building your own enclosure. Good work!
My glazier seems to be cheaper than yours - only about $50 for similar near me. I know you have the light fittings, but I highly recommend shelves with heat cord. It is much easier on the electricity bill. I build a wooden frame, then put the a tile on top and fly screen below. Put a perch underneath and the snake can choose back or belly heat. The heat cord is cheaper to run than globes. I also use LED lights because they don't need a cage and are really cheap to run, plus last ages. It is great fun building your own enclosure. Good work!

Can you chuck some photos of that up?
How much did you pay for the electrical cable? A cheap way is to buy extension cords from bunnings, already have the plug on one end and all you have to do is cut the socket off the other, or vise versa depending on your needs.
$10 for 10 meters I think. Yea didn't think of that I have a few bunnings extensions lying around
Doing the same thing with a computer cord. Cut off the plug end, wire it up and plug it into the power.

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How many Coats of CFP floor do people usually put on?

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final coat of CFP done, lights all wired up. When CFP is dry lights will be run through the gap, silicon seal all internal joins, fit glass, runners and latches.


The wooden spacers are to enable me to run the cords out the back, instead of through the roof. This leaves the top clear for me to stack my BHP enclosure on top
almost all done. need to fit shelves and replace a light fitting I broke when I done it up too tight. Will get cages for the ligths tomorrow. Don't buy a cheap caulking gun. My $2 one bought with 2 minutes of use and had to rush up to masters to get another one.




Quick update, 99% done
Shelves for the side enclosures cut out and sealed



Shelf for center enclosure sealed, and angle brackets screwed on


Center enclosure shelf fitted



All done

Only thing waiting on now is 3 light cages for the globes. Currently using two old rubbish ones for rtwo of the bays and the other bay will remain empty until the cages show up in the post.
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