unknown lizard species

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I see you are still playing your game of belittling others. I trust you are aware of what they say about sarcasm – that it is the lowest form of wit. I wonder if you understand why?
I dont think the post above you was directed to anyone, I think it was just a general lighthearted joke.
Or was your post directed to GeckPhotographer?
Firstly, I will admit to being overly reactive here. I had not long before read the “Chased by a Brown Snake” thread and was appalled and saddened by the carry-on, from both sides. I thought we may have made some progress in this area with the awareness-raising we did. Unfortunately, viewing that and numerous other threads over the past few weeks, it would appear that it has not lasted.

If you put the apparent “gentle ribbing” of a couple of comments from this thread into the context of the recent personal exchanges between the same individuals in the thread mentioned, then it would seem their intent was somewhat more sinister. I would be happier if I am wrong on that one. Irrespective, there was derogatory personal comment made, even though it was dressed up as a general “How could you get it wrong?” My initial response answered that question as well as addressing the inappropriate comment.

GeckoPhotographer, your comment was clever and in another context I would have been laughing with you. However, in direct reference to a serious statement about a wide-spread problem, humour takes on a different effect. Snakeluvver, it is not the comment or who it was intended for that I take issue with – it is the timing. The foregoing comment applies here equally.


PS. I find the issue sufficiently off-putting to be reluctant to utilise APS. No doubt that will please those who are here to argue rather than find out answers.

Hardly worth opening the popcorn for...
Firstly, I will admit to being overly reactive here. I had not long before read the “Chased by a Brown Snake” thread and was appalled and saddened by the carry-on, from both sides. I thought we may have made some progress in this area with the awareness-raising we did. Unfortunately, viewing that and numerous other threads over the past few weeks, it would appear that it has not lasted.

If you put the apparent “gentle ribbing” of a couple of comments from this thread into the context of the recent personal exchanges between the same individuals in the thread mentioned, then it would seem their intent was somewhat more sinister. I would be happier if I am wrong on that one. Irrespective, there was derogatory personal comment made, even though it was dressed up as a general “How could you get it wrong?” My initial response answered that question as well as addressing the inappropriate comment.

GeckoPhotographer, your comment was clever and in another context I would have been laughing with you. However, in direct reference to a serious statement about a wide-spread problem, humour takes on a different effect. Snakeluvver, it is not the comment or who it was intended for that I take issue with – it is the timing. The foregoing comment applies here equally.


PS. I find the issue sufficiently off-putting to be reluctant to utilise APS. No doubt that will please those who are here to argue rather than find out answers.

Hardly worth opening the popcorn for...

You are correct.

I believe the mods call it flooding, it's a form of trolling. Some of these people have been put on notice by the admins I believe.

Seems some here get their amusement by piling it on and trying to pointscore and by rediculing others. And when they are challenged they then try to make out it was all in fun. (Not for the person on the recieving end it isn't especially if it is constant / harassment/stalking).

And you right, that thread turned into a circus and the behaviour displayed therein was terrible. How that thread avoided being "moved" / closed is a mystery.

That is all I have to add to this tangent.
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I suggest you check with the moderators what term they would use rather than speaking on their behalf.

As I stated earlier, there was clearly fault on both sides. There are ways to address such occurrences but “giving as good as you get” is not one of them. I shy away from using names wherever possible but I am about to make an exception. Far too many posters in that thread were derogatory of another person, what they said or hat they did. That is what is unacceptable. And contrary to what some have maintained, it is neither warranted nor necessary. You have only to look at Longqi’s posts. He had the bulk of posters as adversaries. He did not resort to be derogatory or rude. There was obviously plenty of emotion behind his beliefs and corresponding statements but they were consistently rational rather than emotive and he was not put off by reference to him being too anthropomorphic (a comment I consider had to be based on other threads because it was not really warranted by what he was saying). He simply countered it with logic – re-phrasing and providing a better example. I apologise for not seeking his permission first even though I am comfortable that he would mind.

Please, take the following point on board. It is not up to the moderators to cleanup or close such threads. It is up to APS users. When someone is clearly out of line, then there are options available. You tell explain to the poster why what they have done is not appropriate. You can stop posting in that thread – hopefully with a brief note as to why. If two or three people did that to a given poster (all it takes is an “agree with X” after the first one), then it would get the message across loud and clear.

The option that people seem most loathe to use is to report the comment to the mods. This I don’t understand. It is protecting something that is yours and you are entitled to. Those that adhere to the site rules should have the pleasure of using APS without seeing themselves, their friends or acquaintances, newbies or even total strangers personally attacked, abused or belittled.

I know of several people who have left APS permanently because of it. I know of number of newbies who are loathe to post for the same reason. There members who were very regular but are now occasional visitors for this reason. There is a sticky thread that opens up with the OP saying, before I start, please don’t flame. And he repeats that request again at the end of hi opening post. Yet he has thousands of posts to his name and many years of membership behind him. I came across some almost identical examples in past threads I was browsing. I find this is a very sad commentary.

I had hoped to contribute something positive in this area but it would seem too many are entrenched in their old ways. It no doubt displeases that percentage of users who are here primarily for their entertainment – usually to argue and throw stones and certainly not for answers. I accept my failure and logical dictates that it is time to throw away the soapbox and leave you to it.

^^ Agree.

If someone is being nasty or derrogatory or baiting or flaming you or trying to derail your thread by trolling in it. There is nothing to be gained by responding to them, that just plays their game, report them and let the moderators deal with them.
If they are repeat offenders - add them to your ignore list,

And to the posters who engage in this kind of cyberbullying and trolling, grow up, if you aren't interested in someone's threads, don't bother posting in them. If you disagree with what are saying, you don't need to be derogatory or nasty to them when saying you disagree.

I was in that thread and abandoned it when it became a troll/flaming fest. I come here for fun and to talk about reptiles and to see other people resident wild and pet reptiles. There was no call for how several posters behaved in that thread and it was inexcuseable. (I even had one person persue me with nasty PMs !! which I promptly reported, his behaviour was entirely out of order).

Being a long term member or someone with a high post count does not give you a licence to be abusive or harass other members (or n00bs). Perhaps some enforced absences from this board would help adjust their behaviour since they add nothing worthwhile to it and has the potential to turn off new members and discourage them from joining and participating in these boards.

The report button is there to be used when needed, the moderators will be blissfully unaware of thread derailments and flaming and harassment if no one tells them it's happening.
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To what thread is all of this in reference?

edit: no worries, found it.
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Chased by a brown i would think
It got closed down because i bunch of "keyboard hero's" thought it would be a good time to bring out their expertise and give tony a good ol spray about a video a young fella posted of tony doing a photoshoot with a brown
Of course these people were speaking nothing but the truth and a bunch of tony's mates including myself got up and gave the ****e stirrers a good talking too

You are correct.

I believe the mods call it flooding, it's a form of trolling. Some of these people have been put on notice by the admins I believe.

Seems some here get their amusement by piling it on and trying to pointscore and by rediculing others. And when they are challenged they then try to make out it was all in fun. (Not for the person on the recieving end it isn't especially if it is constant / harassment/stalking).

And you right, that thread turned into a circus and the behaviour displayed therein was terrible. How that thread avoided being "moved" / closed is a mystery.

That is all I have to add to this tangent.

Ian, i believe you were one to give tony a bad wrap with your disgusting comments, he is not even present on this forum yet you talked crap to talk down his reputation
Did you get a notice from the Mods ?
I understand that tiny screens and bad photos make it hard to ID some animals, but I did have a chuckle at Ian's first attempt, because looking at his avatar (unless it is freshly changed) they have some striking similarities.

No offense mate,

I understand that tiny screens and bad photos make it hard to ID some animals, but I did have a chuckle at Ian's first attempt, because looking at his avatar (unless it is freshly changed) they have some striking similarities.

No offense mate,

Here are the two photos to which you are referring...
View attachment 225470View attachment 225471
Despite the fact that I know they are photos of the same species, I for one fail to see the “striking similarities” between them. They are completely different aspects and you would be lucky if there was 5% visual overlap between the two images. Even the toning of the same colours comes up differently.

You use this as an excuse to publically laugh at someone’s misidentification. And you then claim to intend no offense. This clear indicates that you are aware that what you have done is likely to cause offense.

Surely if you genuinely meant no offense, then you would not have made the offensive comment in the first place.

This is exactly one of the issues I addressed in this thread. It is comments like this and those who make them that will ensure that personal derision remains alive and well in APS.

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As I read this from my phone, I can't make out the stripes on the dorsal view without zooming in. An easy mistake which I mentioned in my post about small screens.
I mentioned striking similarities as they are the same species, something Ian would have easily known if he had viewed the photo on a large screen in the first place. Not his problem, people are allowed to view this site on phones.
It was the irony that I found humourous, not the mistake.
Sorry about that sheriff, won't happen again.
Thankyou for the reply and explanation CHEWY.

Perhaps it would have been better to have PM’d Ian rather than post on the net? Without the additional information/comments you have provided above, the post comes across as making fun of another person’s shortcomings. I had taken exactly that example, amongst others, to task in earlier posts, explaining why they are not appropriate posts to make.

“Won’t happen again.” You have got to love that phrase. I know you will keep your word. You cannot do anything else but. There is no statement of “what” won’t happen.

“sheriff”... an enforcer of laws. Experience tells me very clearly if you were genuinely contrite, you would not see me ‘an enforcer’. You would view it as help to correct something. Your use of the term stems from an underlying belief you are being corrected and coerced to change again your will. This is because you believe you have done nothing wrong and should be entitled to do such things. All I can say is if you haven't got it by now...

It might surprise you to know that I am not interested in controlling what anyone on APS does. Every individual is responsible for that. The message I have endeavoured to get across is simple... remove the personal attacks from posts. It requires a little bit of thought, some judgement and sometimes, some self-restraint. The payoff is an APS were all users can engage in vigorous discussions or arguments or general silly buggers etc, without fear of being personally attacked or derided.

APS has the potential tobe to be a guaranteed pleasant place to spend some time. Unfortunately, I have had to accept the sad reality that there are far too many selfish individuals entrenched in APS that will not let that happen.

Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. [Confucius]

Humour is subjective. Live by the sword.....
“He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.”

In this particular instance, I don't recall mentioning humour as an issue.. Feel free to point out where you believe I did so. On the subject of, it is of no concern if the mistake had him rolling in the aisle. I am fully cognisant of the background and why it would fill some with glee. Again, this is not a concern. The issue is publically posting something that is negative and personal. I am tiring of that broken record...

I stated earlier, that sometimes self-restraint is required. You may be well justified in taking another individual down a peg or two. But that does not vindicate doing so by personal ridicule in a post. We all like to see those that we consider a pain get their comeuppance. It can be highly amusing – but that does not justify breaking of the site rules.

If the comment were not at someone else’s expense there would not be a problem. Is that put simply enough to absorb?
I don't get the big fuss, wrong identifications have always had fun poked at, does no one remember "Mate, that's definitely a keelback."?

Personally i think if you decide you know enough to go around identifying things you should expect criticism if it is wrong, especially when you supposedly spend so much time with said species... I personally don't go around trying to identify things i know i don't know enough about, i'd expect other people to use the same train of thought if they are so sensitive of criticism.
blue: how do you attack the argument and not the person ? the way i see it people stand behind their words and opinions and by attacking their arguments you are attacking them. where is the line separating the two ?
3 pages for a water skink!

Take some..
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