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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
I opened the door (about 2 hours ago) to my python tank and picked him up and he was like a shoelace, just hung there,
no tounge flicking, no moving, nothing.
Ive taken him out and put him on a heat pad in a box so i can keep a closer eye on him.
theres been no change til now, about every 5 mins and hes turning upside down, wrapping in a tight circle and all of his muscles are twitching...
has anyone come across it before?
whats happening? what should i do?
he was fine this morning, and all day.
it came on in less than an hour.
all of the cage temps are fine, eating fine, been perfect...
help :(
did you change food supplier? maybe it was the food...

Chin up, sounds like you did your best.
Yea i sorry i would have taken him to the vet. Are u sure he iz not breathing? I would still take him because my vet got my snakes heart started again!
yeah im pretty sure.
i had her on the heat matt ringing around for a vet and thought you guys might have some ideas while i was hunting...
cant be helped, i did my best, just wasnt quick enough :(

and im pretty far from any reptile vet, the closest one is about 45mins drive.
OMG how sad is that to watch a pet die :( I am sorry to hear that.

Do you have any ideas of cause? Showing any strange symptoms in last few days/weeks?
Yer Ok then. Sorry to hear that. I had to watch my guinea pig die sraight in front of me.
na nothing out of the ordinary at all. so i have no idea what happened.
tho the little guy was born with bone deformities, and i didnt expect him to live as long as he did, lived 8 years longer than he would have if i left him with the breeder...
RIP Akiva! you were very well loved.
That is really sad :(
i feel for u, may akiva rest in peace :( u must be heart broken...
I remember when i adult female bluey died of heat stroke, i could stop crying for weeks, casue i felt i was to blame, what ever u do don't blame yourself casue it will make u feel worse, from what you posted i think i was an accident for her loss, so don't go and hammer yourself about it, chin up, you'll be right :)
I've just read alittle more into your post also, and i think that if he only ate last night he must of died of rat posioning, check with the supplier is they use any chemicals when killing the mice/rats. there may be a certain bunch of animals that could have a dangerous ammout of chemical in them that could kill more innocent snakes, it be great if you could save there lives!
i'm sorry to hear that :( ive been following her story for a little while now.. bought tears to my eyes reading ur post.
RIP lil crinkle cut snakey
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