Urgent Need Help!!

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i'm with jason and i don't think the idea of air mailing a very sick animal is such a great idea either becca.
it definately doesn't sound good, sometimes vets will colaborate over the phone, maybe if you could get your vet to talk to a reptile vet they can help more. do you feed in the enclosure? if so some of that sand might have got swallowed causing impaction
You were right Jason it wasn't a happy ending. Sorry to say my BHP just died. I am so annoyed that there is any reptile vet with in 500km of me.
Thanks for your help anyway guys.

Put it in the fridge in the meantime and get it to the vet for autopsy.
well jason you need to do a check up on your snake expertise, because they can get sick if they dont poo. Wouldn't you get sick if you diddnt.....?
But hey think what ya want, every1 is open to there own apin.

Gawd I love assumptions! :D

A lot of creatures would get sick if they didn't poop.
But why would a creature get sick if it ate before it pooped?

Where did you learn that anyway? Do you have any links? I'm curious as you seem to know what you're talking about and I want to make sure I do the right thing for my snake...
sick snake

l am going to be the ogre here and pose the questions, how long have you had the snake and how long since it has been in contact with other snakes as its possible it MAY have one of those two sinister viruses that are out there, as a precaution l would isolate and sterilise every herp item / utensile that you have as a PRECAUTION only...some of those viruses unfortunetly can only be detected at the autopsy stage.....solar 17 [Baden]
sorry to hear about your bhp, but it looked like that was going to be the outcome.

I have had similar problems with locating a specialist herp vet. It's too late for your bhp, but you can have a plan in place for your other herps in the future. Without going into details here, I have a couple of local vets who have mates, who have mates . . . . . . . . . etc. If you're in my area I can give some advice about who to call. Roughly what area are you in?? PM me if you like.

Col J.
l am going to be the ogre here and pose the questions, how long have you had the snake and how long since it has been in contact with other snakes as its possible it MAY have one of those two sinister viruses that are out there, as a precaution l would isolate and sterilise every herp item / utensile that you have as a PRECAUTION only...some of those viruses unfortunetly can only be detected at the autopsy stage.....solar 17 [Baden]

I don't think thats being an orge mate information like that helps people keep there other pythons safe, and sorry Sunny for your loss I know from experience how hard losing a bhp can be.
Are you for real. Please dont give advice about something you know nothing about.:shock:
alot of snakes can get very sick if they try and eat once they already have food in them. You should never feed your snake untill it has poo'd out the food it last ate. other wise the anal slit gets blocked up then all the acid from its stomach that is inside the rat and broken it up into bones and waste is inside your snakes belly and probly slowly leaking out. If you CARE about your snake ring up a reptile vet tell them whats wrong with the snake find out there address and air mail the snake to the vet, if you cant get to one by car.
how frustrating when you know something is wrong and nothing can be done , you went to the moon and back and still no luck, so very hard to deal with loss when one tried so hard
I think it's time for everyone, myself included, to stop giving becca a hard time.
Some people just have "different" ideas and keep the blinkers on when it comes to new or different ideas.
Like I said earlier I've only been keeping for 15 years, I am still learning and willing to listen to new ideas.
Then I apply a little word called LOGIC to the idea and that usually sorts the wheat from the chaff.
I have given the BHP to the vet so he can preform an autopsy and hopefully learn a little bit more about snakes, and hopefully tell me what my BHP died from. Most of the vets i spoke to on the phone all suggested that the snake may have had a underlying issue to start with. It went down hill so quick. I only brought it about a month or two ago.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss sunny, i think by the sounds you did all you could as most owners of animals would, it must be very frustrating at times to be soo far away from expert help specially when it comes to an issue that is not the norm for a run of the mill vet. My condolences on your loss again x
sadly i had the same thing happen with one of my snakes and it was not a happy ending.

ps am very sorry to hear about your snake
sorry to hear ur snake died Sunny.

All i can say is what a crap vet 4 not calling a herp vet 4 advice.

bet u still got charged for it too. :(

i cant imagine not having a great vet on hand.
Hi Sunny, very sorry to hear abt your BHP..Keep us updated abt the autopsy,..we could learn something from it...:cry:
Sorry to ask but before u had him, did the seller mention anything abt d snake having problems previously?
good luck!!

my friends snake had a lump aswell, she took it to a vet it needed an operation asap to remove it.
then had a 50/50 chance of surviving. A few days went by and it was looking fantastic, then one night she went in to get him out to show her mates and he was cold and stiff.
She lost it as you could imagine, cried for days. She still has him in a jar.
The vet is still charging for the treatment but not much; as he doesn't normaly deal with snakes. The place were i brought the BHP from didn't say anything about any problems, the only thing that i thought was a bit strange but was not sure if it was normal as i have never owned a black head before was that it had baggy skin, it's skin seemed to be a little bit big for it's body. I live on the boarder of SA and NSW. I will let you all know what the post mortem results are, it might be useful in the future. Thanks for all your support you people are real great when anyone needs help with there reptiles! :)
The vet has done his autopsy and has said that the BHP was very lean with not much muscle, the gall bladder has staining around it, there was no sign of worms and there was some fecies left in the bowl. The vet is new to this whole snake thing and couldn't realy determine what it died from. No blood or tissue samples were taken.
for some reason I get the feeling opmv, organ samples need to be examined by a pathologist to confirm such a virus, if so there is a potential issue with the breeder, Can you list the unusual things that happened again in one post sunny? and more to the fact do you keep other herps?
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