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well jason you need to do a check up on your snake expertise, because they can get sick if they dont poo. Wouldn't you get sick if you diddnt.....?
But hey think what ya want, every1 is open to there own apin.

Isn't that how Elvis died?



Let's not turn this into slanging match eh?
Sorry, Sonny. I forgot to mention. Sorry for your loss.

I think it was previously mentioned, but could you list the symptoms exactly as they occurred? This might help us with an answer as to what it may have been.

Also, doesn't sound like impaction if there was nothing found inside.

Do you own any other herps?

Here are some of the symptoms of OPMV:

Loss of muscle tone (lean/skinny looking), stargazing (looking into the air with mouth agape), pus (mucous) can be seen coming from nose, (glottis), towards the end convulsions can occur.
Hey sorry to hear about your snake. My guess unfortuently would be you just had a snake with OMPV, the symptoms all point to it. And unfortuently there is a lot of it getting around, I know a lot of people push it under the rug and that's the reason for the bad spread because these people still sell there snakes. The fact of it's mouth open, limp, no direction in moving it' head, the lump can actually be from loss of fluid as the disease ats rapidly so it's muscle that your seeing as a lump. The normal signs of OMPV are first lack of tongue movement, either not drinking at all or the complete opposite compulsive drinking. Sometimes you can see mucus in the back of the throat, they can either go right of there food or normally eat then next meal regurgitate than won't eat there after. It's a fast acting virus, usually they go from fine to dead in a month, but depending on the time of year temps etc such as cold can sometimes slow the virus down. Unfortuntly though with all the signs most people don't catch half of them. I just hope the snake was no were near the rest of your collection as I'm almost 95% positive you've just had OMPV in your collection. I would also get in touch with the person you got it from, the possiblity is they will deny ever having the disease but the more people that are open about having or had this virus the less of us there are going to be out there loosing out beloved snakes.

I don't see any symptoms here which couldn't be attributed to the end stages of countless other diseases. We don't even know if it was feeding.

Yep I'm sure there could be thousands too, talk to a few reptile vets and see how many cases of OMPV they have had come through there doors just in the last few weeks. I've seen quite a few snakes now die of OMPV and the signs are pretty easy to spot now I've seen it ( just a note definetly not in my own collection but others I know of or have heard of) but it's out there and it's raging. Again I could be wrong but if it were me that's were I'd be leaning and well most other diseases that point to them signs are pretty deadly to other snakes in your collection to so it won't hurt to be on the look out. Then again it could of just ate a bad rat, had a bad infestation of mites who will know with out a autopsy. In regards to if it was feeding this was what he wrote so what I went off

QUOTE: he ate a mouse about 14 days ago

, then regurgetated the next feed
When i got the snake it had baggy skin and yellowy-green poo, i feed it 2 weeks after and it had it fine then 9 days later i feed it and it spat it up then after that it was sluggish and that rang the alarm bells, so i took it to the vet and the vet forced fluid and a poo out using his fingers going from the lower half of the snake down a whitish round thing started to pop out then the vet stopped, the vet gave it 5ml of fluid into the last 1/3 right side of the snake and some antibiotics into the side of the spine as there wasn't much muscle on the snake. i took the snake home and put it in it's viv and it was not moving at all you would have thought it was dead, the only way you knew it was still alive was it was just breathing bearly. Then the snake about 20 minutes later started swinging it's head from side to side with it mouth open. It's anus scale was swollen it would not move its hole body at all. about an hour later i went to check on it and it was up side down in its viv and couldn't right itself so i up righted it. it would move it tail slightly. When i righted it it had it head in an awkward position so i tried to help it and it was a bit ridged. It was still breathing and puffing it body up then deflating it again. about 2 hours later it died.
Hey sorry to hear about your snake. My guess unfortuently would be you just had a snake with OMPV, the symptoms all point to it. And unfortuently there is a lot of it getting around, I know a lot of people push it under the rug and that's the reason for the bad spread because these people still sell there snakes. The fact of it's mouth open, limp, no direction in moving it' head, the lump can actually be from loss of fluid as the disease ats rapidly so it's muscle that your seeing as a lump. The normal signs of OMPV are first lack of tongue movement, either not drinking at all or the complete opposite compulsive drinking. Sometimes you can see mucus in the back of the throat, they can either go right of there food or normally eat then next meal regurgitate than won't eat there after. It's a fast acting virus, usually they go from fine to dead in a month, but depending on the time of year temps etc such as cold can sometimes slow the virus down. Unfortuntly though with all the signs most people don't catch half of them. I just hope the snake was no were near the rest of your collection as I'm almost 95% positive you've just had OMPV in your collection. I would also get in touch with the person you got it from, the possiblity is they will deny ever having the disease but the more people that are open about having or had this virus the less of us there are going to be out there loosing out beloved snakes.


Thats the most ridiculous post i've seen on here in a while. Lack of tounge movement points directly to OPMV? gee evey snake I've lost over the last 20 years must of had it then! Snakes are like any other living thing, unforutnately they can, and do die from a whole host of different reasons. While an autopsy can be invaluable in the scheme of things it's an unfortunate fact that an animal in captivity can die despite being given the best care and housing possible.
Keep your chin up, it can be disheartening to lose a pet or prised animal but rest assured it happens to all of us at some stage
When i got the snake it had baggy skin and yellowy-green poo, ........

So basically you've had it a couple of months and it was in bad condition when you got it? Perhaps you need to discuss it with your supplier.
Yeah unfortuently them signs even make it worse. They also get direa (mind spelling) so that would be why the green poo. In all honestly I'm certain that is what your snake had. There will be a hundred people say on no screaming OPMV again and yes there are other things but put all that together and your righting the tell tale book of signs of OMPV and from the quick read of this thread there's a few others on here thinking the exact same but don't say it. Do you have other reptiles in your collection and if so was this snake ever near them or did you change there water bowls at the same time, if so I would treat every snake in your collection as it possibly could have it. From most cases I have seen and read on OMPV people with huge collections don't loose there whole collection, it's usually only a handful, and usually attacks weaker snakes but can also get healthy one's. Just if you do have other snakes keep a look out for some of the signs I mentiond about. There's not a lot you can do, they say you can try injecting with baytril (simular to what you would do with RI) and another good thing is you can force feed the snake which will help keep it hydrated and you may have a slim chance of keeping it alive but not much of one).
Thats the most ridiculous post i've seen on here in a while. Lack of tounge movement points directly to OPMV? gee evey snake I've lost over the last 20 years must of had it then! Snakes are like any other living thing, unforutnately they can, and do die from a whole host of different reasons. While an autopsy can be invaluable in the scheme of things it's an unfortunate fact that an animal in captivity can die despite being given the best care and housing possible.
Keep your chin up, it can be disheartening to lose a pet or prised animal but rest assured it happens to all of us at some stage

ay yes the joys of being back on APS lol, now I know why I havn't come on here for ages kind of missed it. So my whole 10 line post as all about a snake dying of OMPV due to loss of tongue movement . I said it is part of a sign (did you read the others).. There are a hundred other reasons why a snake can loose tongue movement RI, using mite sprays and the list goes on and on. Honestly everyone will and does have there own oppinion, but this is why OMPV is so bad cause it's always something else sad really. So you can sit there and honestly tell me seeing as though you've kept snakes for 20yrs that all the signs he's described does not for one second really make you think OPMV?.
Sorry for your loss Sunny.

Not that it exactly matters now but Is what the vet done a good idea?, squeezing it etc? sounds like the poor thing just got stressed out even more,..
... So you can sit there and honestly tell me seeing as though you've kept snakes for 20yrs that all the signs he's described does not for one second really make you think OPMV?.

Splitmore's response is a bit heavy handed but I wouldn't presume to diagnose the cause based on anecdotal symptom reports alone. At minimum histopathology is required for accurate diagnosis.
Sorry for your loss Sunny.

Not that it exactly matters now but Is what the vet done a good idea?, squeezing it etc? sounds like the poor thing just got stressed out even more,..
The vet doesn't deal with snakes, he did what he thought was right from what he did know. I think it did stress the snake more but what else could we do, we were out of options. Thats why i came on here hopeing you guys might have had some ideas; but unfortunately it didn't make it. It did hang on for a while, longer than what i thought it would.
No you definetly can't be with no doubt positive without examination of tissue (autopsy) I did say that in another post but if this person lives in the middle of no were chances are it's going to be pretty hard to have done. So I'm just going of everything he has wrote and yes OPMV has very simular symptons to other diseases or problems but there is every chance it's more often than not OPMV. My point basically is if he has other reps than I would be a little worried right now if they have come in contact either directly or via cleaning etc to this snake as in any case I think the chances are OMPV or not it's not good and there's a good chance that if he has others some will end up following a simular path.
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Just jumped on APS to say best wishes to Sdaji and look up what I have missed, this problem sounds a lot like OPMV, as usual on APS there is lots of lazy (SMS ) spelling , grammar and chest poking. Looks like nothing has changed.

Good luck
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Don't let it put you off keeping reptiles.

Also, interesting discussion regarding OPMV and whether that was the cause of the animals death, only 1 way to find out and I gather/assume that you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at the snake or reading about the symptons.

However, OPMV still could be the final result - You'd only be able to tell from an autopsy
Anyways sunny, hopefully this bad experience dosn't stop you from keeping reps. Just get in touch with the person you brought it from which may clarify a bit more. I'll just say that IMO I think it's OPMV from what you've said again though to clarify to be certain you will need a autopsy which I know would proberbly be impossible for you so you will never really know but your symptoms are identical to all the snakes I know for certain have had OPMV which in itself is a worry. Everyone will have there oppinion on OPMV but only autopsy's will confirm, it's only guessing when you can't get one so to guess I'd say that OPMV was proberbly the case. But in all honesty if you don't have any reps I would dispose of the cage that one was in if it were me (definetly wouldn't house another snake in it), they can be cleaned but I wouldn't take the risk. And I'd proberbly refraime from buying a new snake for a few months just in case.
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