Urgent!!!! Very sick childrens python :'(

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Not so new Member
Feb 12, 2012
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I have a 4 yr old male childrens python. I have had him for 3.5years we have never had any health issues. he is always placid. he eats 1 a fortnight, if i offer more he won't take it.
Today i went to get get him out of his tank as he spends a lot of time under his rock it is normal for me not to see him for 5-7 days.
when i lifted his rock he looked dead :( i got him out, he was alive but very sick.
Symptoms: VERY dry skin. a hole the size of half a pea about 3/4 way down his body. bleeding mouth, dried up. very slow. his eyes are clear.
I took him straight to the vet who hasn't delt with many snakes, he said it was an infection and gave him a shot of antibiotics told be to try beta dine on his hole. but the vet said not to get my hopes up as it doesn't look good :'(
I also fed im a live rat a 2 weeks ago which he killed but didn't eat (i didn't see him kill it) but the vet suggested maybe the rat put up some fight and did some damage.
Can I please ask anyone if they have any ideas or suggestions on what is wrong and what i can do to help him please.
dont know if this is a joke but anyway..

the reason your childrens is half dead is coz you fed him a live rat.. ONLY FEED YOUR SNAKE DEAD DEFROSTED AND THAWED RATS/MICE!!!!

your snakes been attacked by the rat and thats why its mouth is bleeding and theres a hole in him..

find a proper reptile speicalist vet in your area and theyll take care of it..

isnt it illegal to feed live rats in aus
You feed him one what once a fortnight? He's a four year old snake, they don't need to eat very much.
First, find a good herp vet. There are some listed under the Wiki tab on this site. If you tell us roughly where you are, someone might be able to suggest someone.

Second, it's extremely dangerous to feed your snake live prey. (It goes without saying it's dangerous for the rat.) As the vet said, rats can fight back. Never leave a live rat unsupervised with a snake. Feeding live is also illegal unless the snake will not take anything else. It's a last resort, not a common practice.
Gimme a T!
Gimme a R!
Gimme a O!
Gimme a coffee, too lazy to finish.
I don't usually feed him live rats. He hadn't eaten for a month i was concerned as he would not take anything else. usually he will feed once a fortnight on a dead rat.
unfortunately it seems the only thing to do is blunt force trauma, to the rat. to the snake to put it out of misery (only after getting a reptile specialist vet to look at it) and to yourself for not bothering to check on the animal after giving it a live rat. if i had to give a live rat to one of my snakes, i would watch it strike and wrap before leaving it to it's own pace, i would then do regular check ups to make sure everything is going ok.
1 month without food is easy for them... you couldve waited a bit longer

find a reptile spcialist vet to bring your snake to ASAP
unfortunately it seems the only thing to do is blunt force trauma, to the rat. to the snake to put it out of misery (only after getting a reptile specialist vet to look at it) and to yourself for not bothering to check on the animal after giving it a live rat. if i had to give a live rat to one of my snakes, i would watch it strike and wrap before leaving it to it's own pace, i would then do regular check ups to make sure everything is going ok.

I have taken it straight to vet, there is no specialist around here. I did check him after he got the rat. for a couple of day he seemed fine. I am not going to put it down as the vet said there is a chance he will pull through. I would actually like help not to be criticised. whats done is now done all i want is for him to get better. I did everything i have been told from breeders he has had live rats before when i have had trouble with him eating People make mistakes and learn, but right now i am after help!!!

1 month without food is easy for them... you couldve waited a bit longer

find a reptile spcialist vet to bring your snake to ASAP

I was told different, (just wishing i knew this before) but thank you. there are no specialist around here i have searched.
what state and whereabouts are you??

also give him extra heat also at night till he heals...
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