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Active Member
Feb 20, 2006
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are we allowed "Uromastyx acanthinura nigriventris" in AUS, if so where culd i find sum and how much r they?

also wats the easyier name for em? haha
I dunno. But they look damned cool.

Google the Reptile Keepers List for Queensland?
No. They're exotic.

Where'd you hear about them?


i think they are friggen awsome...

best looking lizard ever.
i saw em in larks post, only just relized he lives in germany. im soo moving over there just 2 have one lol.

if u culd get one into aus how much do u think itd be worth?
Anywhere up to $110,000 and 10 years in jail. LOL!


if u culd get one into aus how much do u think itd be worth?

Only about $10,000 - including the fines you'd get for keeping an exotic species.
No biggie for such an amazing looking animal :)
$111000 hell yer sign me up... id sell my soul to hold one of these puppies ahaha, is there sum type of licence u can get or anywayz possible at all u culd have a Uromastyx acanthinura nigriventris legally? in aus!
$111000 hell yer sign me up... id sell my soul to hold one of these puppies ahaha, is there sum type of licence u can get or anywayz possible at all u culd have a Uromastyx acanthinura nigriventris legally? in aus!

I think we already established the fact that you can't keep them in Australia.
Lars k has one but he's in germany.He might know the common name for it but im sure it's something simple..spiny tailed lizard or something..
They come from morocco so yeh big trouble here.
is there sum type of licence u can get or anywayz possible at all u culd have a Uromastyx acanthinura nigriventris legally? in aus!

Only if you were a government accredited zoo - and that would cost a damn sight more than $110,000.


yeh but being new to reptiles im not sure how the whole thing works so i was wondering if u cld get like an "exotic licence" or sum special import licence or protected reptile keepers licence or anyhting along those lines. surely theres sum people who have these in australia...
If they do. They certainly wouldn't be telling you. or ANYBODY else for that matter. haha. Self-conviction.

How smart :D
if u cld get like an "exotic licence" or sum special import licence or protected reptile keepers licence or anyhting along those lines. surely theres sum people who have these in australia...
The answer is still no.


**** this ima go brred a beardie with a thorny devil and see wat i cum up with... lol

damn t sucks finding the one creature ud love to keep and stupid laws not permitting it :p

o well the search goes on~
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