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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2003
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Hi all well monty went too the vets and the verdict was mouth infection it seems the infection he had 2 months ago must have settled but not totally heald and has flaired up again ,so he is back on injection every second day for the next 3 weeks then back to the vet to double check it has cleared up properly ,so lets hope it gets rid of his itch

Hi Steve,

I'm sorry to hear it's infection has come back :cry: , I suppose it could have been worse. You are a very good snake owner to know that that itch needing vet assistance. I hope he gets well soon! :wink:

Thanks for letting us know.
Looks like you caught it early enough and saw the vet in time.
Don?t envy you giving the injections every second day.
Good luck and hope it clears all up soon.
the injections dont bother me as i have to give my daughter 2 injections a day(diabetic)
sorry to hear that, hope all goes well with him. did the vet recommend upping the temps for a while or not? just curious?
there was no mention of uping the temp ,but if that was the case it would be a bit hard as he just slides around the house,the house is his enclosure
ok, intresting, where in your house is the warmest place he can get to? any favorites, top of a waterheater maybe? might help to keep him a bit warmer than usual, to aid the healing process. higher temp means higher metabolism. dads vet, has perscibed, upping the temps ,night and day, by 2 deg for two weeks, stop feeding too. then after two weeks return to normal. apparently, he says, excepting moderate to severe infections (mouthrot, etc) ,with mild infections and recurrances of infections, he says its better for the snake, than pumping more antibiotics into it. like us, snakes that have been repeatedly medicated with antibiotics, they develope a bit of immunity to them. The idea is that by not using antibiots, the body is forced to work harder to fight infection, hence no food, because energy is diverted from healing to digesting, and higher temps, speed the metabolism up by degree, and faster healing results. Dad has used this method for years and swears by it. Follow your vets advice, and hell be ok. :wink:
his favorite spot is behind the tv cabnet he rarly leaves the lounge room he has his tree he likes to be in dueing the day which is next to the window with the sun on him most of the day.with the cooler weather coming the fire place is getting a good work out at night as for feeding stopped that 3 -4 weeks ago
does he poo all over the place? and how do you prevent him from escaping the house? just wondering :)
im pretty lucky with his pooing i seem to get him to go outside most times but when its inside well ine got timber floors so its easy clean up and as for stopping him escaping well he worked out how to unlock doors and get out when he want but he only goes to the balcony .he will be going in an enclosure as soon as i finish doing the renavations which inclued a 8fthigh 10 ftlong 6ft wide glass house just like the zoos
sounds like one happy snake you would have there except for mouth infection. wish i had the run of the house like he does.
Ricko said:
. wish i had the run of the house like he does.
does that mean you still live at home with the folks ,if so just think one day you will have your own placeto the run of
nah i have moved out with my g/f and its awesome to be out of home but its a rental so i cant do anything to the place, cant wait to buy my own house and i can make a big room just for my herps as they are in the lounge. i would love to let a big python loose around the hoiuse but i think my g/f loves her cat too much and the cat is too cute to let it get eaten (and toooo expensive).
Poor Ricko, you have one of those missus just like mine eh? Keeps you shut up in the one room and treats you as a sex object. It's a hard life mate!
yeah its extremely hard lol (not ment in a dirty way)
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