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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2005
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well i woke up to a histerical phone call that Abie our juv painted turtle wasnt moving.
i rushed over to my girlfriends house to find Abie wedge between the tank and a rock, she drowned in the night. where both so up set.
i dont wont this to happen to any one else and i cant stress enough how important it is to check for spots that they can get stuck in.
Sorry to hear that.. That's horrible! :(

Here's an R for you aswell.>>> "R"
im always stressing about that, sucks cos i know how hard painteds are to get
Sorry to hear that tristis. it's always sad when a family pet passes.
sorry to hear that.

its happens, a girl i knows baby turtle did that too. :(
Chris I am really sorry to hear that the little Painted drowned!
This is an extremely difficult and upsetting lesson to learn!
Please everyone, make sure that they cannot get stuck anywhere, including pre-filters or filters!


im sorry to hear mate. i would just like to add that i lost a central netted dragon to the same cause. she got stuck under a rock which was over a heat chord and was toasted. so its not only the turtles that are vulverable. make sure any rocks are heavy cage furnishings are sitting on the base of the enclosure before any substrate is used
Also make sure that they can move around ANY obstacle freely!!

So sorry to hear about your loss! It is even harder to take knowing that it could of been prevented.
sorry for ya loss, i went through the same but with my first snake, a 9 month old childreni, got stuck bhind a fake wall i made and he had suffocated. I was devistated.
So many sad stories! :(
Sorry to hear about everyone's losses!
I don't even know what a painted turtle is!
thanks for sharing! its not somthink you would realy think about, might check my pond for tight spots
another one to watch...a heater failure in winter when i was out of town resulted in me losing some saw shells.... so a backup aquarium heater is worthwhile...
Very sorry to hear about that
I lost a a new born hatchliing to a canister filter input pipe in one of my newborn tanks

it's a horrivle thing to say but in some cases the safest thing for young turtles is simpl to just have a turtle dock in the tank
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