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Apr 20, 2008
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morayfield brisbane
hi i am looking at getting my first snake i have everything really to go just need a snake i am looking for a friendly little python that dose not bit as i want it for me and my kids plz help
I would go something along the lines of a Bredli or Coastal Carpet. TO be honest most hatchlings bite! but it dose not hurt. like a little pin prick, a rose bush would hurt more and bindies. :p

good advice from coastal boy I would say the same coastals are very placid but they do grow large same as bredlis both make a very good first python they do not take long to settle down
Get researching Rob - there's a lot you need to know before acquiring a python.

Do some reading, and determine for yourself what it is you're after. You're the best one to know what suits you.
bredli make a great first snake, if youre worried about the kids getting freaked out by being bitten look into a yearling thats shown to have a good temperament,...

Like coastalboy said most hatchies will bite, and even tho it doelsnt hurt it can be a bit off putting till u get used to it.

on the other hand, its nicer getting used to being bitten by something smaller to start with,...even a well tempered bredli will have a nasty feeding response if ur hand is in the wrong place at teh wrong time.

bredli grow to between 8 and 10 foot.
Chris that is well said.!! My bredli hatchies are really good tempered but do get a really good feeding response and think everything is dinner :)
Honestly, every type has its psycho ones and its placid ones. You should consider 2 things other than just being placid also.
1- Find one YOU like the look of and actually want. It's no use getting something just because someone says it's good but not the one you really want, you'll only end up going "Damn, i wish i had got that instead" in the end anyway.
2- That you can meet its husbandry needs, especially as an adult. If you don't have room for a big enclosure it's no use getting something that will get pretty big like a coastal.
Hi Rob,how old are your kids as large pythons although placid might be a bit scary for small kids.Some will say that the smaller Ant species can be a bit snappy but I know this is not the case with 3 of mine.
Yes it is intirely up to you but if you go out and say "choose what you want", whats the purpose of theis thread???

Im only giving options and what i think is best, and im sure other will agree to.
Yes it is intirely up to you but if you go out and say "choose what you want", whats the purpose of theis thread???

Im only giving options and what i think is best, and im sure other will agree to.

I wasn't trying to discredit your suggestion mate, as coastals are fine if it's your thing. I just think people should have put in enough research to know what they like before deciding on getting a snake, there is not really any you can go wrong with so it's just down to personal preference of appearance and size.
I wasn't trying to discredit your suggestion mate, as coastals are fine if it's your thing. I just think people should have put in enough research to know what they like before deciding on getting a snake, there is not really any you can go wrong with so it's just down to personal preference of appearance and size.

Well said. :lol:
I've heard Stimson pythons are really awesome. They're great little snakes that only get a few feet long and usually have very good temperaments. Spotteds and childrens pythons are also very similar, from the same species (anteresia). I've also heard good things about Murray Darlings. They stay at a reasonable size (not too large and not too small) and have pretty cool personalities.

But yeah, just make sure you do your research in terms of husbandry, enclosure requirements and snake size. Then choose something that matches your criteria and that you like the looks of. If you give some more information (how big is the enclosure?) you'll be able to get a lot more useful answers =) best of luck, let us know what you go with!
a murray darling carpet was the perfect first choice for me and my family. I now have a stimmie and bhp and none of them bite. Speak to breeders. Look up the different species and determine which is best for you. Maybe get a yearling with a proven good temperment.
a murray darling carpet was the perfect first choice for me and my family. I now have a stimmie and bhp and none of them bite. Speak to breeders. Look up the different species and determine which is best for you. Maybe get a yearling with a proven good temperment.
well said^^ also i think you need to look at how much room you have to keep it and how much you want to be spending on food? my adult coastal is feeding on large rats two times a week so thats 20 bucks? but on the other hand somthing like a spotted wont cost anywere as near as much.
Have a chat 2 the people at snake ranch as they have a sale thing on atmo plus i got my 1st snake through them and they were super helpful! g8 ppl and happy 2 help and answer any q's you have!!! I got a stimmi through them as she will not get 2 big! got all her info (feeds & sheds) She is amazing! Good luck!
Keep in mind that just about any snake - even ones with generally good temperaments - will bite you at some point, even if it's once or twice in their lifetime. But most settle down quickly with regular handling (just from my experience).

Good luck! :)
Thanx to all for your inputs. I am more thinking a spotte, chlidens. Or stimm. Might look into a yearling with a good temperament
Sounds good. I'm still a noob but my choice was based only easy of care and the inability for it to cause serious harm to me, even when fully grown. But I like snakes so it didn't really matter what snake I got.
I was in the same boat as you last week. I went to the breeders intending on buying a bredli but they were all snappy the breeders handed me a baby Darwin carpet and I fell inlove with it it was so much more friendlier than the bredli's. I guess it's just what u feel comfortable with. Hold the snake for a good 5 -10 minutes and you will find a baby that's suitable for you. IMO coastals are one Of the larger carpets.

All I can say is just hold the snake and you will kno when you have right one.

That's just my perspective I'm just a nOob with pythons though
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