Warning to anyone buying black headed pythons from melbourne

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
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I recently purchased a childrens python from a seller in Melbourne, due to forum rules i am not allowed to state who.

The snake once taken home and warmed up was in terrible condition and as such, I have contacted DSE and RSPCA as advised by a specialist reptile vet as it appears to be a cruelty issue based on neglect.

This seller is still selling some black headed pythons anyone considering purchasing black headed pythons from a private seller in Melbourne should be very careull.

The seller refuses to take the snake back once the snake is bought in my case even within 1 hour of purchase.

On a more positive note,

I was very impressed with both DSE and RSPCA'S fast response and priority of this issue. Its good to know that both these departments have wildlifes welfare as a priority.

From what i can work out the seller is looking at a number of legal problems

He may well lose his licence and have other animals seized. And be charged or fined for selling sick or injured protected wildlife and neglect
Whoa hang on. How did people come to the conclusion that the childrens was neglected? Isn't it just as possible that it was a deformity from birth?
I would love to know who this is :x
If it is proven to be cruety,
I hope Glen Sharp nails his backside to the wall.
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Whoa hang on. How did people come to the conclusion that the childrens was neglected? Isn't it just as possible that it was a deformity from birth?

The RTI, weight loss and general condtion of the snake are 100% according to the vet neglect.

The seller has confirmed the snake was being kept at 25 degrees (only after purchase) and has also confirmed that the snakes never been taken to a vet (again only after purchase)
The snake is on anti biotic injections every 3 days, the heat is up high and i will attempt to get it feeding tommorrow.

However i am not optimistic.

The RSPCA and DSE are coming to my house tommorrow to photograph and examine the snake as they have already spoken to the specialist reptile vet that it was taken to.

I think they are looking at taking action against this seller, possibly charges.
About 3 months ago I was contacted by a guy that couldnt get his BHP to feed. He had only had it for 3 weeks.
I asked what background he had on it and he said, that the seller told him it had over 15 un-assisted feeds and had shed 3 times.
When I saw it, I knew streight away the seller was full of BS. The BHP was less than 30cm long and malnourished.
It wouldnt have had more the 2 or 3 forced feeds judging by its size.
Anyway I got it feeding and it has doubled in weight since then.

I would realy love to know if it is the same seller, If this guy still has herps in his care, they must be taken away.
Hey there Horses, so sorry to hear of your bad experience with this guy. I hope your little fella pulls through OK, and if he does, just think how much better off he will be with you instead of the seller. Good luck and keep me updated on the little tackers progress please.
Yeah the little fella is actually a little girl, i will keep the forum updated on her condition and what happens.

I get the feeling DSE may seize whatever is left in this sellers possesion after this incident.

I think you will find nothing will happen unfortunately. Animal welfare isn't the DSE's responsibility, and the RSPCA will probably send him a letter telling him he has been naughty. Don't get your hopes up...
In Victoria it is illegal to sell sick or injured native wildlife.

They appear to be taking this seriously .

I think the fact they are coming to photograph the snake and have a vet report indicates both bodies are looking to legally pursue this.

I am hopefull anyway.
Lets hope this guy gets what he deserves!
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