Warning to anyone buying black headed pythons from melbourne

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Oh on another note a forum member contacted me last night after reading these posts and topic. This forum member was looking at buying the black heads in question however after a chat on the phone is not going to risk it.

This is where this forum can be fanstastic for all of us that keep herps, sharing information may have just saved a forum member from a bad purchase.

This other forum member also thought the black heads in question like my childrens were far to skinny.
Oh on another note a forum member contacted me last night after reading these posts and topic. This forum member was looking at buying the black heads in question however after a chat on the phone is not going to risk it.

This is where this forum can be fanstastic for all of us that keep herps, sharing information may have just saved a forum member from a bad purchase.

This other forum member also thought the black heads in question like my childrens were far to skinny.

Well done! at least thats some good news! Let us know how the feeding goes, Good luck!
Well i went and fed her, with difficulty.

She kept smelling the mouse with her tongue but it was as if she never had the energy to strike at it so after about 20 mins of me dangling in front of her i held her behind her head and eased the nose of the mouse into her mouth gently. This must have got her in the mood or boosted the energy level by the taste because she then rapped around my hand and started to eat like a normal python would.

It took her longer to eat it that a healthy python of her size but im guessing this is because she is weak.

She then coiled up under the heat lamp once feeding was completed.

So its looking a bit more optimistic than it was yesterday.

Now i need your oppinions as she needs to get energy into her and put on some weight how many mice should i feed her per week ? I was thinking of giving her another one tommorrow and then taking it from there? What does everyone think? Whats the max i could give her she is an adult childrens whos very very underweight.
Good on her!! I know you want to get weight on her quickly but I wouldn't rush it. It's going to take her a while to make a full recovery obviously. Honestly to be safe I would contact that reptile vet you took her to and ask for their opinion. I think feeding her up gradually would be best. Congrats on getting some tucker into her and hope it all goes well. Definately keep us posted.
You had it three days and you're worried about it not feeding? Give it some time. I side with Jonno on this one, I doubt much will be done about it. They'll prolly have a look tell him to clean his act up and get on with their normal lives. She's underweight with bad condition, she still needs a little while to settle in, you dangling food in front of her without letting her settle in is just contrubuting to the stress she's allready going through.
The vet advised me to get food into her asap.

On another note had a call back from the RSPCA today there coming to see me again in the morning regarding the snakes health and the seller.
I've just got a couple of questions and I don't want to sound rude, just curious. I'm assuming you have the snake on a course of Baytril? did the vet advise you that it was OK to feed whilst on antibiotics? And secondly, making a broad statement about private keepers in the western suburbs may not be the best way of going about things. I for one keep and breed several BHP's and know of several other people that keep BHP's that live in the western suburbs who would not like this kind of paranoia placed on themselves and the animals they keep. Sorry for that bit of a rant, but i felt it needed to be said.

Cheers Rossco.
i know it sounds silly but in a way i dont mind buying a snake like that (sick) coz its in better hands. So at least ur giving it a chance..i hope your lil girl pulls thru
I my small little opinion (haha) wait for it to poo then wait a further 2 days before feeding again. Let it digest in peice in a warm secure enviroment. Dont make the feed too big as it may take time to strengthen the body back up. Sounds like you doing a good job.
I've just got a couple of questions and I don't want to sound rude, just curious. I'm assuming you have the snake on a course of Baytril? did the vet advise you that it was OK to feed whilst on antibiotics? And secondly, making a broad statement about private keepers in the western suburbs may not be the best way of going about things. I for one keep and breed several BHP's and know of several other people that keep BHP's that live in the western suburbs who would not like this kind of paranoia placed on themselves and the animals they keep. Sorry for that bit of a rant, but i felt it needed to be said.

Cheers Rossco.

Hi Rossco,

The snake is on injections its not baytril its on something called ennoflox --- something. I was advised to feed the snake yes.

Due to forum rules i am not allowed to name the seller in the forum. Its important to remember im sure most of the people who keep bhp's in the west or for that matter the whole country take good care of there snakes. However in this case one has been discovered thats shonky to say the least.

I think this forum is a good way of warning people about ill animals that they may be considering purchasing.

Im happy to let you know who the seller is in pm especially considering the seller lives very close to your proximity.

To everyone else thanks for all your help and advise i will contine to keep you all updated.
I also keep and breed BHPs in the West of Melbourne and I'm not worried at all about this post. It alerts people to the possibility that they MAY be going to see a less than healthy snake in the area and to maybe take a little extra care with their decision to purchase. If the seller has healthy animals for sale then it should have no effect on the sales. JMO and I'm not having a go at anyone here.

Sorry for calling her a boy Horses but they all look the same to me :)
Update for today

RSPCA Inspector and DSE Wildlife Officer came to view the snake this morning at my place. Photos were taken and the snake was examined. The vet is providing a written report to both departments.

A formal statement was typed and signed and submitted to both the RSPCA and DSE.

They then left my house to go to formally interview the seller.

DSE are now going to investigate the seller and its looks like at the minimum the seller will receive a fine of $2000 for selling sick or injured licensed wildlife. With any luck they will throw the book at this seller, and seize whatever this seller has left in there care.

RSPCA are preparing a brief to charge the seller.

Hopefully all will go well with the investigation and it looks that this seller is not going to get away with this, at the minimum the seller is getting at least 1 fine from what i understand.

I am very impressed with the professionalism of the RSPCA and DSE.

I bet the seller is kicking himself now for not just offering you a refund. ;)

I hope things work out for the little snake.

Update for today

RSPCA Inspector and DSE Wildlife Officer came to view the snake this morning at my place. Photos were taken and the snake was examined. The vet is providing a written report to both departments.

A formal statement was typed and signed and submitted to both the RSPCA and DSE.

They then left my house to go to formally interview the seller.

DSE are now going to investigate the seller and its looks like at the minimum the seller will receive a fine of $2000 for selling sick or injured licensed wildlife. With any luck they will throw the book at this seller, and seize whatever this seller has left in there care.

RSPCA are preparing a brief to charge the seller.

Hopefully all will go well with the investigation and it looks that this seller is not going to get away with this, at the minimum the seller is getting at least 1 fine from what i understand.

I am very impressed with the professionalism of the RSPCA and DSE.

i'm amazed theyre doing so much!

good on you for making a point,...hope the rest of his animals go to nice homes.
I am very pleased with DSE and RSPCA i think the fact the vet has spoken to them and is making a report is why they are taking this seriously.

The guy is probably kicking himself in the bum after this for the sake of a couple of hundred dollars he now has this massive head ache. And it may end up costing him $2000 Oh well some people are just plain stupid.

She is looking a little better today, since eating has coiled up nice and tight which prior to eating she had not done.

She gets her second injection in the morning.
I too am a little concerned for any breeders in Melbourne who are currently selling BHP's. I understand that site rules do not permit people to 'name and shame' but if you're going to start a thread like this you should still do it in such away that you leave little or no doubt as to who the culprit is as it's not fair on those people who are doing the right thing but are now somewhat under suspicion.....
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