Warning to anyone buying black headed pythons from melbourne

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The seller has an add on herptrader at the moment that should narrow it down.

BHP's + Vic + Herptrader = yeah narrowed right down lol

Sorry I don't mean to come across as being rude or anything but I think you see my point. Good luck with the snake mate. Good to see that it's in much better hands now. Go the RSPCA and DSE!
Yeah but what can he do? He cant name the seller so he gives a brief description of the where abouts and the animal for sale. If people have doubts he offered to let them know via PM. Saving people the hassle (as he said with the one guy he spoke to who got stopped from buying one)

So all is good!

Well done. This guy got his *** handed to him.

Yeah but what can he do? He cant name the seller so he gives a brief description of the where abouts and the animal for sale. If people have doubts he offered to let them know via PM. Saving people the hassle (as he said with the one guy he spoke to who got stopped from buying one)

So all is good!

Well done. This guy got his *** handed to him.


Oops I missed the part about the pm. Probably should have read more carefully lol :oops:
Its ok the main thing is that i prevent anyone else getting stung like we did. Also now the departments are acting hopefully they will seize the snakes in question.
Good on you for making the effort horsesrule!!! I for one thank you for starting this thread and warning people! Hope the little girl gets well soon.
I think a point that needs to be also raised here is that if someone does witness animals that are not being kept in suitable standards and are not in good health, then you simply don't buy from that breeder....

Its all well and good having that natural reaction of wanting to care for an animal and give it a better home but if people continue to buy from breeders who are cutting corners, they are in turn just continuing to allow these sorts of breeders to remain in business and keep on breeding below standard animals.

Its all about supply and demand and if they don't have have a demand out there for their animals then they wont be able to afford to breed sub standard reptiles and make a profit and thus stay in business.
Snake appears to be on the mend, is coiling tightly and is a little more active. I have kept up the injections and will continue to do so for another 12 days, then ill have her assessed again and if need be give her a second round to knock the infection on the head once and for all.

We are still assist feeding, although looks as though she might be ready to take the mice freely soon as she is showing a lot of attention to them. Am feeding her about 3 mice a week to get her energy levels back up and it appears to be working together with the anti biotics.

Good to hear the snake seems to be on the mend, hopefully force feeding will be dropped soon and she wil freely take the food offered.

Have you heard anymore about what is happening with the seller?

I just wanted to bring up one thing though which may sound stupid but do you know if the seller is a member on here? If they are then you gave them a great heads up to move any snakes that aren't in the best condition somewhere else before they had visitors pop round to inspect.

I do think its great it has been reported and hopefully something will be done.
Hi there,

I dont believe the seller is a member of this forum.

I had a call yesterday from the RSPCA and i was given good news.

The DSE are going to prosecute the seller and fine the seller for selling sick or injured wildlife. And the RSPCA has sent him an official letter regarding the matter and have lodged him on there data base for the rest of this sellers life.

The RSPCA explained that they will also keep the affidavits by the vet and myself on file.

I think this is a fantastic outcome!!!
i must say something here, excellent response from you horsereule. Smelly and whoever else thinks "just don't buy one and leave it alone" should care enough to report a negelcted keeper to the relevant authorities asap.

Herps are easy enough to keep so no excuses.
Again another respiratory infection which is a common first sign of OPMV which I'm not saying it has OPMV however I would quarantine it as such.Most BHP's should be kept at 32-33 at the hot end and ambient room temp at the cool end,once they star feeding they usually don't stop unless something is wrong or they go off their feed for breeding but even then I've found them to feed readily...good luck and glad you saved the poor snake from what sounds like a sesspit!!
If the guys getting done, then why dont you put a private claim in and claim back the amount the snake cost you? can you do this in aus? you could get a new camera with the money then;)
I dont get it.. if you want to breed reptiles (or any animal for that matter), have them as pets, or make a business out of it, why bother doing a half-****d job? All it does is give you a bad rep', make you feel guilty for neglecting the animals and possibly even having the animals you MIGHT care about taken away. There is just no sense to it.
Unfortunately there are bmany people out there including most of us here on the forum who start out with just one or 2 reptiles then next thing you know you have quite large collections which most do a great job with the husbandry etc however there's also many tha don't and think it's an easy way to make money and then they realise it's not quite that easy.Most people I know who do make some money from breeding and selling reptiles put most of the money back into the reptiles.

I would like to think most of us here keep them for the love and fun of it!!

true Browns, most of us are in it for the love of the animals. then there are some inderviduals out there (private / non business) who buy whole clutches of animals off someone at the right price and then turn around and sell them for an exuberant amounts of money !:evil:it's a shame some of these people don't care about the animals as much as they do the dollars:rolleyes:
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