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Jan 4, 2012
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Is fantastic that so many of you guys are here sharing, wish I had checked out this site months ago when I first starting my "baby sitting", and hoping someone can help me as I am worried about my young charge.

Patches is a 2yo Stimmie, happy and healthy, feeding well (isnt it amazing to watch) who I am looking after while my son travels. He is well settled at my place, and brought his own home with him, so no settling in probs, however, he has been hiding in his hide for over a week now, was due a feed but did not eat.....and am a little anxious... am conscious that if he is hiding he probably does not want to be disturbed so have left him in peace.

Previously he would come out every night, and be very active...... have read lots of posts about shedding... he has not shed with me yet, so suspect this may be it.... however is it normal for them to become so inactive...
did turn his heater off about a month ago as it has been pretty hot here in Perth.....
It can be normal for them to hide away when they're due to shed; if he hasn't with you yet and he's been there a couple of months I'd say that's likely why he's closeted himself away and hasn't fed. Can you check with your son as to his usual habits when he's in shed mode?
You're doing the right thing by leaving him to it, but if you like it may pay to lift the hide and just have a little peek for clues; cloudy eyes, dull patterning, etc. It will put your mind at ease at any rate. Many snakes don't feel comfortable being handled at such times as they're basically blind, so I'd just have a look to be sure and then leave him to shed when he's ready. Guarantee he'll feed soon after :)
Welcome to the site!
Hi grandma, and welcome. I have a Stimmie "Barrie" he'll be 4 in March and the most wonderful of creatures. You're doing the right thing just letting him be. Snakes have a wonderful way of just being snakes...LOL...they know what they want to do and when and how to do it. Don't worry, your little ... grandsnake ... knows exactly what he's doing. My Bazza sometimes hides for 2 weeks before he sheds and I don't always notice his eyes going dull. Make sure his water bowl is full and fresh, and keep a little diary of what happens. ie.. 3/1/12 Patches still hiding.... 4/1//12 Patches came out of hiding for a short time...little things like that will help you get to understand him and if you ever need to refer to someone for help you'll have an accurate record of what he's been up to. I've kept a diary of all Barrie's feeds and sheds since I had him and I'm so glad I have, because I have had to refer to it over the 3 yrs I've had him.

This is a GREAT site, with lots of help, don't hesitate to ask questions. Cheers...Annie
Hello!! First of all, i dont think you should turn his heater off... I'm in Perth too, and while it has been hot- my stimmy enclosure is always around 23 degrees on the cold side and around 33 degrees on the hot side. Just a thought.

Otherwise, i would agree with the others and say he is coming up for a shed :) My 2 stimmies usually become inactive for around 8-10 days before a shed and are 'cranky' and dont appreciate being picked up. I do, however, lift the hide every few days to watch the progress of the skin darkening, the eyes clouding and then clearing and the skin around their necks becoming looser etc. It is fascinating and gives me a good idea of when it will happen too. I have also had my female become rather dehydrated during sheds as she wont leave the hide to drink (i fixed this years ago by adding a humidity box for her, though my male never uses it)- so i would completely support you in lifting the hide every few days to check on him and note his temperament and appearance :)

How often is Patches fed? Over the summer months, i've increased my 2year old stimmies to a feed every 7 days, rather than ever 14 and have definitely noted the enthusiasm shown.

However to specifically address your question, yes it is completely normal for a snake to become inactive around shedding time- they're not only uncomfortable, but they loose the little sight they had when their eyes cloud over and i would imagine feel quite vulnerable from predators at this time, hence the hiding. When you see him again he will probably be shed completely, or be in the process :) A healthy, happy snake will usually shed all in one go, but sometimes they have difficulty in removing their skin and it will tear into several pieces. When he has shed completely, check his eyes (there is a scale that sits right on top of them to protect them, and sometimes they have difficulty shedding them both) and check the tail (sometimes the skin will catch on their external organs and the tail won't shed properly). If either of these happen, let us know and you should get many responses- we've all been there at some stage :)

When he's finished shedding, he'll become a LOT more active and be seen roaming his tank looking for a feed. I usually keep my snakes waiting until 1 day after the shedding has occured to insure they're ready to eat. I've defrosted mice directly after shedding and they've gone to waste before. You can guarantee in this weather and after a shed that he'll be hungry!! :) Ensure he's got plenty of water around as they often seek higher levels of humidity to soften the old skin to help them get out of it, and after the shedding you can bet he'll be thirsty too, if he doesn't leave the hide!

Good Luck!!!! Watching the shed process is almost as fun as feeding them :D Feel free to message me if you have any more questions or problems.

PS. When your son comes home, are you going to get your own snake now you're addicted??? :)

cheers guys for confirming that everything is going just fine....and for all the suggestions...:)
Patches is still hiding away, I did check him out this evening, cant see any of the signs of shedding, cleaned out his water bowls so ....will just wait patiently and leave him to do his thing.
Yeah no hard feelings Annie, that whole thread, your explanation and your departure actually made a lot of people roll over laughing.

Cheers Dave
Yeah no hard feelings Annie, that whole thread, your explanation and your departure actually made a lot of people roll over laughing.

Cheers Dave

Well, LOL, I'm glad I brought some amusement to a lot of you. It was my own silly fault for going to the section....I should have just not gone there, there was a warning and I ignored it. :)

Now im intrested haha :) Whats this story annie ha? You know im your favourite adopted grandson :) !!

Well you see Doc, there was a little... X rated section ... on Dave's site that had a warning that if you're easily offended not to go there. Well, silly old me, didn't take the warning and as they say, curiosity killed the cat....and I went and had a look. It was a picuture...full frontal of a...young lady...squating down, and she didn't have any knickers on. So I spat my dummy and said how bad I thought it was and said I'd never go back again....I think it may have been a couple of years ago now...a fair while anyway....I should have minded my own business. Simple as that. :)
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well, lol, i'm glad i brought some amusement to a lot of you. It was my own silly fault for going to the section....i should have just not gone there, there was a warning and i ignored it. :)

well you see doc, there was a little... X rated section ... On dave's site that had a warning that if you're easily offended not to go there. Well, silly old me, didn't take the warning and as they say, curiosity killed the cat....and i went and had a look. It was a picuture...full frontal of a...young lady...squating down, and she didn't have any knickers on. So i spat my dummy and said how bad i thought it was and said i'd never go back again....i think it may have been a couple of years ago now...a fair while anyway....i should have minded my own business. Simple as that. :)

Gee Annie, your making it sound like good old uncle Pilbara made a bad place, the lass was holding a python at least, so it had legitimate herpetological interest.
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