what is a thermostat

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
Sunshine coast, Qld, Australia
i wanted to no the purrpose of thermostats are they used for controling the tempture or telling the tempreture can a thermostat be used with any heat source how do they work and what would be the ideal temperature this time of year for a hatchling if u can help in any way it would be greatly appreciated cause i have know idear about temperature
thank you

regards jimmy
your kidding right? ok a thermostat is a device placed in the circiut between the power source and the heating device, i.e. lamp, cable, heat mat etc. it works as a circiut breaker and turns thje heating device on or off depending on the setting on the thermostat. there are a few types. i use one with a probe, its a small black box with a setting dial and plugs into the mains. its got a probe which goes into the enclosure and theres a plug hole on top. you plug the lamp etc into that. you set the dial on the thermostat for say, 30c, then when the probes detects its 30c, it turns the lamp off. if the probe cools lower than 30c, it will turn the lamp back on. in theory anyway. people will have varying experience with different brands. hope that helps.
Just a suggestion Jimmy,go and buy some books and you'll find out about a lot of these things...There's a thread somewhere with recommended books.
Just a suggestion,Jimmy, ask your brother who keeps carpet pythons and you are helping to build his house.I'm sure he will know all this stuff.
I was wondering if any one ha expierence with that gas thermosat, i bought that one with 300$ worth of other stuff thinking ill save some money, but now ive got it taken one look at it, and it is so complicated, im goin to buy the black probe one, has anyone else here got the gas thermostat the white one. how does it work. and it can only go up to 30.
Hi blue streak

I can help you with your thermostat.

You can bring it over with you when you pick up your snake or if you want it sorted out sooner give me a call and I can see what we can do about it.


thanks that would be great, i cant wait till i pick up the snake im so excited, but the damn government and there slowness, they said they would fax it to me. but i guess they have a few ppl to get through
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