what venomous snakes can i keep?

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You ever been up close to a wild sting ray? there are stingrays that jump into boats and attack they aren't placid. Sting Rays set of drag like mad and well hang on a second

---------- Post added 14-Jan-11 at 10:46 PM ----------

Thats a mate that caught one just getting them onto the beach is hell trust me I have tried.

I think if someone impaled me on a hook while trying to kill me i would be a bit aggitated too :lol: I reckon birds and snakes are better game with a fishing rod ;)
It wasn't impailed untill it was on the sand. th gaff would have bent if it had to haul it in while swimming. hence me saying they are fighters
back on topic here for a sec....for starters....there is number "harmless" that have caused big health concerns.....Small eyed Snakes, Little Whip Snakes and Black Whips have killed people and they were not regarded as deadly at the time of the bite.

Secondly you can keep a number of the apparently "Less Dangerous" elapids in QLD on a rec permit without endorsement

thirdly....There are more than 40 species of elapid and colubrid being kept privately with a further number of colour morphs and one offs ranging from Taipans to burrowing elapids

fourthly read up, ask questions and get experience before jumping in at the deep end....might be worth researching what these snakes can do before hand.....I do wonder if there would be the amount of elapid keepers around today if they knew what and how badly the effects of venom can have on the body, not just while in hospital but for years afterwards.

fourthly read up, ask questions and get experience before jumping in at the deep end....might be worth researching what these snakes can do before hand.....I do wonder if there would be the amount of elapid keepers around today if they knew what and how badly the effects of venom can have on the body, not just while in hospital but for years afterwards.

Was talking to a mate who's been bitten a few times to many. He has lost alot of feeling in his hands.
back on topic here for a sec....for starters....there is number "harmless" that have caused big health concerns.....Small eyed Snakes, Little Whip Snakes and Black Whips have killed people and they were not regarded as deadly at the time of the bite.

Secondly you can keep a number of the apparently "Less Dangerous" elapids in QLD on a rec permit without endorsement

thirdly....There are more than 40 species of elapid and colubrid being kept privately with a further number of colour morphs and one offs ranging from Taipans to burrowing elapids

fourthly read up, ask questions and get experience before jumping in at the deep end....might be worth researching what these snakes can do before hand.....I do wonder if there would be the amount of elapid keepers around today if they knew what and how badly the effects of venom can have on the body, not just while in hospital but for years afterwards.


People seem to think that if you 'survive' a bite from a dangerous snake, that all is well and things go back to how they were beforehand. Many times this is not the case - nerve damage, kidney damage and other debilitating side effects may be with you for life following a bite event. The chances of dying from a bite may be slim if proper action is taken at the time, but the prospect of life with half your sight, uncoordinated movement or even a shortened life because your kidneys don't work properly is not so great either.

thand why wouldnt you want a venomous snake? the danger just adds to the thrill of observing these amazing animals!

That's a recipe for distaster if I have ever heard one, you shouldn't get a thrill out of an animal you handle correctly... can someone say drunken bite
i can deffently see why keepers would want a elapid but i dont think mum would like a tiger in the house:p
Gotta luv venz even when u pick em up & thay try taggin ur arm what a rush.
I said for a few years prior to Irwins death that he wouldn't get taken out by a snake or a croc, all along though I said it'd be some kind of marine creature. Sadly he just looked out of his depth with them (no pun intended), but not with the critters he was really familiar with. Sometimes better the devil you know!
back on topic here for a sec....for starters....there is number "harmless" that have caused big health concerns.....Small eyed Snakes, Little Whip Snakes and Black Whips have killed people and they were not regarded as deadly at the time of the bite.

Small eyeds do require specialist endorsement but yes, black whip snakes which do pack a punch can be kept on a rec licence so people still need to do their research before going for something like that.

---------- Post added 14-Jan-11 at 10:59 PM ----------

thanks everyone, you have been very helpful, and why wouldnt you want a venomous snake? the danger just adds to the thrill of observing these amazing animals! and hornet, do you know if what your saying about "safe elapids" also means you can purchase them under the age of 18?

yes you could purchase an elapid as your first reptile in qld even if you were 13years old (not that most would considering the price, difficulty of feeding with most species and their lack of availability)
You ever been up close to a wild sting ray? there are stingrays that jump into boats and attack they aren't placid. Sting Rays set of drag like mad and well hang on a second

---------- Post added 14-Jan-11 at 10:46 PM ----------

Thats a mate that caught one just getting them onto the beach is hell trust me I have tried.

Let me put a hook in your mouth and see if you're placid...
yet, another bad example.

Don't get me wrong... I think adders are beautiful, but why would you wanna risk it?
for a thrill?

I get a thrill when I get a day off...
I get a thrill when my girlfriend comes over wearing no undies...

I don't need a kiss off death from something that could kill me easily for a thrill...

That's my view...

It's your choice, go for it if you wan't to do it.
Just don't yell at me when you can't move your arms or what not.
do a bit of research, talk to ven keepers, there is very minimal risk if you dont be stupid with them. I keep funnelweb spiders, the deadliest spiders known on this planet, am i "risking it", no, i'm sensible with my interactions with these species and i house them appropriately. Same with elapids, be sensible and you will have no problems
you have to relize the risks with owning vens i was doing a venomous course last year and one guy got taged by just one fang it only hang on for 1 sec and he ended up in hospital for a 4 days lost all tast in his mouth for the rest of his life dosent have much feeling in his arms and a number of other side affects. but vens are great snake and with propper training thay are just as easy to handle as a python only with a hook but you should always be ready to react in case it does try to bite you and get as much traing as possable be for you buy your first snake
i have asked my local vens snake catcher and keeper peter carter and he told me that it took him 7 years before npws approved him the license and he had to have a fraind with a vens licence that could come over if he was ever bitten to put the snake away and a number of other precautions that i cant remember
Its not so much that you can't keep dangerous species (elapids, whatever) on a rec permit it is more that you can't keep restricted species on a rec permit. Some of the species allowed to be kept on a rec permit could still be classed as dangerous. Myall's and Black Whips are classic examples. I would class a Lacie as dangerous too.

You can keep non restricted elapids on a recreational permit which in effect is anything not on the restricted list. If someone at epa says that you can't ask them to show you exactly where in the legislation it says that.
Invariably they will go to the clause relating to restricted species. This only applies to restricted species.

Many non restricted elapids though are not easy to keep being specialist feeders so aren't for everybody.
Best IME are yellow faced whips or marsh snakes here in Queensland as they can be trained to rodents and if not, are happy to eat AHG's of which there is an abundance.
not true, there are a number of species that can be kept on rec licence here in qld. I had another member here disagree with me on that so i got in contact with DERM and got the documents stating black and white that its only the dangerous species that need a specialist permit and nowhere does it say otherwise. If you wish i will put up the link to the legislation tomorrow if i can find it. I also have friends who keep elapids such as curl snakes, marsh snakes, bandy bandy's on a rec permit. I'm not sure if they want to chime in as they have been through this all before but i can assure you there is nothing that says that you cant keep the "safe" elapids on a rec permit

yeah i know...

i ment any of these (as in the bad bite ones i listed),, just examples..

i meant with the appropriate licence,,like a rec,, the list is long, like whips, marshs and so on
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That's a recipe for distaster if I have ever heard one, you shouldn't get a thrill out of an animal you handle correctly... can someone say drunken bite

keeping snakes is a thrilling expierience. i didnt mean an adrenaline rush, dangerous kind of thrill lol. and besides at this stage, im meerly researching, i would never even consider purchasing a dangerous animal without doing some kind of handling course first.
you have to relize the risks with owning vens i was doing a venomous course last year and one guy got taged by just one fang it only hang on for 1 sec and he ended up in hospital for a 4 days lost all tast in his mouth for the rest of his life dosent have much feeling in his arms and a number of other side affects. but vens are great snake and with propper training thay are just as easy to handle as a python only with a hook but you should always be ready to react in case it does try to bite you and get as much traing as possable be for you buy your first snake
i have asked my local vens snake catcher and keeper peter carter and he told me that it took him 7 years before npws approved him the license and he had to have a fraind with a vens licence that could come over if he was ever bitten to put the snake away and a number of other precautions that i cant remember

You can't really say he has lost taste for the rest of his life until the end of his life. It generally varies between not at all, short term and long term.
Let me put a hook in your mouth and see if you're placid...
yet, another bad example.

Don't get me wrong... I think adders are beautiful, but why would you wanna risk it?
for a thrill?

I get a thrill when I get a day off...
I get a thrill when my girlfriend comes over wearing no undies...

I don't need a kiss off death from something that could kill me easily for a thrill...

That's my view...

It's your choice, go for it if you wan't to do it.
Just don't yell at me when you can't move your arms or what not.

Pal, I really think your looking at this all wrong!
So who cares :S
Let him look at it like that. More snakes for us.
If he dosent feel comfortable with vens then I don't there for him, regardless of his "odd" way of thinking about it.
well thats just what docs have siad and well he got prety crook after the bite so i belive what the docs are saying in this case
and now he is sue the guy that owns the snake. and i hate people that sign up for a course and know the risks involved and than when thay are bit go and sue the person that owned the snake if it was your own snake or a snake in the wild you cant go and sue your self its just people trying to get as much money as posable and during the course he told us he goes searching for browns at night bye him self and the place he told us he goes is a few ks out of town and than he tells us he doesent take a bandage so shows you how stupid some people really are
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