What would you call this colour

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Not so new Member
Aug 2, 2009
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This bloke he is around 4 to 6 months if that helps

Just interested in what you have to say. Good or bad.
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My language would be different shades of brown, ranging from mustad to hangover black.
Yours would be about the same as mine my son calls him the dog turd!!!
Brown, but I am colourblind!

colourblind! colourblind! Come on you guys you have to come up with better than that!

I could really do with some cheering up at the moment, I have a horse in dire straights right now very much touch and go, lost one earlier this year to tiger snake ( reptiles go figure) don't need to lose another (this is a accident) but come on we have to name this bugger atm it's bug I am sure you lot can come up with better. Especially better than Dog turd as Dan refers to him :) Can we name him at least? Please. pretty please? Sorry can call him colourblind...just yet lol
Funny you mention Alby had a good friend by that name and a dog but both died, still a good name though
i would call it
it resembles the hawthorn football club logo, brown and yellow
my 1st thought was also rusty, but i think its more than that
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