whats the most stupid and funny thing thats ever happend to you?

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Active Member
Nov 1, 2007
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if you've done (or seen) something extremly stupid/funny in you're life then post it here:D
Haha I could tell you about the most stupid/funny thing that's ever happened to me, but it's not really appropriate for a kiddie-friendly forum :lol:
ok - i have a scar on my chin where i had to have 8 stitches after falling off my scooter when i was about 12.

it was one of those old style scooters with the inflatable tyres, and not only was i riding it down a hill but i had a broom jammed behind my back and through both my arms (don't ask me why) so that i could reach the handlebars but couldn't stop myself when i started falling...
I vomitted on stage once ..... Definitely stupid , & some people thought it was funny.
(It was a bit too punk for a jazz/funk kind of gig)
i hit myself in the eye with a dog lead at work the other day, it was stupid on my part, funny if anybody seen it (im sure i heard a few chuckles from the 6 dogs that had seen it happen) but very painfull could not open my eye for 20 mins.
I went to a smash a few years ago . A little old lady had hit the wrong pedal , in the wrong gear while trying to leave her garage at home . The car raced forwards and hit her 30 yr old sons jap bike which was sideways across the rear wall of the garage , punched through the wall and landed on the bike in the garden at the back of the shed . Go granny .
I vomitted on stage once ..... Definitely stupid , & some people thought it was funny.
(It was a bit too punk for a jazz/funk kind of gig)

you werent dancing like those guys in hobbos vid were u :p :lol:
I put the handlebar of my bmx bike into my stomach whilst trying to ride it down our steep driveway with rollerblades on :oops:

There was a drain/grate at the bottom that the rollerblade wheels got stuck in.

My mum was far from impressed especially when i pulled the handlebar out!!

Ahhhhhh the joys of being an 8yr old :lol: :lol:
I dropped my car keys into a post box on the side of the road and had to wait four hours for an Aust Post man to come and unlock it so I could get my keys out..not one of my brightest moments.
i made a flamethrower with deo and maches and it caught on a nereby bush (lucily it was on its own)
ok i know people are gonna laugh and ripp me off but here goes

when i first met my partner we wanted to spend every second together,so i would skip school and hang out..
well on this day she stayed over for the nite and the next morning i was ameant to go to school...well i stayed home and at around mid day my step-mum came home HOLY CRAP!!!
SO i did the only thing i could do and HIDE(if i got busted i was a gone!)...and my step-mum came into the room and asked if i whent to school,of course my partner said yes...my step-mum was all happy and she started to talk to my partner and i was in the cardbord,well i was in there for about 15mins and then i got this big gut ache and needed to go to the loo quick!! anyway my step-mum wouldnt shut up and get outta the room!!
i ended up crapping myself in this little cardbord.....but the time my step mum left i was in abit of a mess! and then when she whent the kichten i snuck out the door to go to my very very sweetuncle and aunts house,and they helped me out with my little promblem.....LOL ill never forget that
The Dummest thing i have ever done : When i was in kindy , i was chasing my saussage dog with slippers on and i tripped and melted my forehead all the way to my skull , and i had to go to the hospital and get this yucky glue inbetween the gap :shock:

A couple of years ago when my gran was in Sydney i was helping her take out the shopping bags from the boot of her car , as i leant over (cause iwas a big time shorty then) i melted my knee on the exhaust pipe and i was so feaked out that i fainted
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