why dont people look after their reptiles????

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The small central is now putting on heeps of weight the vet said you just give in mashed up pinkies mince greated carrot apple and endive and it has filled out heeps i will post pics tonight
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as in the one that looked like it had been living in a flower press?

thats awesome news, looking forward to seeing the pix!

coongrats, must be nice to see ur effforts paying off! :)
Excellent news Chris. I am glad to hear they are coming good for you. What an achievement to bring something back from that. How old are you? You ought to join your local wildlife rescue group. Could do with more ppl like you givng the wildlife a chance to instead of seeing them tossed into too hard baskets.
People will not care and continue not to care if people still buy what they sell.
Personally I would have revved the heck out of them and called the RSPCA in front of them. as long as people are out there who will exchange good money for sick/ diseased/ mistreated animals they will continue to sell them and get away with it.
WHY? because there are people out there who think they are doing a good thing by paying and saving the animals.
I can't talk, I have done the same but they copped an earful from me and have given me the animal in exchange for me reporting them.
Even if they aren't prosecuted, the authorities may educate them.
Good news Chris, I can't wait to see the pics either. Your hard work is paying off for your beardy. Well done.

I hear what people are saying about not buying sick animals but some of us just can't walk away leaving them there in the condition they are in.
WOW that took ages to read...

Greatnews to hear that he is doing well, cant wait to see the pics when you can get them uploaded. For a 15yo you are very mature and doing such a great job, maybe you should (as mysnakesau stated) become a junior wildlife carer, we are always looking for more people like yourself and I am sure in your state too.

Keep up the great work!!!!!!

(if you were my son, I would be very proud)
RIP the central beardie passed away last nite i do not know why he was putting on weight and then died. my little sister cryed for hours cause it was her favourate...

Thanks for all the help guys.
RIP the central beardie passed away last nite i do not know why he was putting on weight and then died. my little sister cryed for hours cause it was her favourate...

Thanks for all the help guys.

Sorry to hear of your loss at least you tried and gave its last littel time a good time

Sory for your loss.

Are you going to get an autopsy done? It doesn't sound very nice, but you can maybe use it against the seller, depending on what happened to it.
So sorry to hear that Chris, hope you & your little sis are ok:(
Sorry to hear about little one passing on.

Are you going to take it to get an autopsy?

It may well have had worms.
That is sad news. Sorry to hear. But you did your best with him. I am sure he is grateful of that.

Have you checked out your local wildlife care organisation to see about becoming a volunteer?
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