Why we should be careful how we dispose of our rubbish!!

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New Member
Dec 14, 2012
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Below is a picture of a Red Bellied Black snake that had been stuck in this can for several days before it was rescued.

Last Saturday I got a call from a friend that she needed help rescuing a snake with its head stuck in a can. We came across this pitiful sight after it was reported to her, a chap had been out walking his dog at the same place for a number of days and thought this animal was dead until on the Saturday he happened to see it move and called it in.

I initially cut the top off the can to visualise the head and then cut along the length of the can, being very careful once I got to the ring-pull end, so I didn't cut the snake. I then cut a piece out of the can before we could finally free this animal.

It was taken to the vet for a shot of long acting antibiotics and then released into a local morass, where it was very relieved to see the back of us and the can.

I just thought it brought home how easily our rubbish could turn into the demise of our native wildlife. Red Bellied Black1.jpgThe moral of this story .. Don't Litter!!

Cheers Monz
God damn fanta.

But seriously, where I work we go to some places where you think nobody would of ever walked, then you find a bottle or a can... gets ridiculous how people say they love this country, then destroy what's so great about it.
thats the 3rd snake in a can i have seen on this forum. so sad people are to lazy to take their rubbish with them.
take nothing but pictures & leave nothing but footprints, that's how it's meant to be.
It's no wonder were getting locked out of our own national parks when people show this much respect for our flora and fauna.
wow poor thing
do they try to hide in the cans? or did he want a drink??
How often do snakes stick their heads down holes in the search of maybe a frog or mouse hiding in there?
I'm glad that the little chap ended up OK. Often it's not a happy ending.

People are pigs and not clean up after themselves no matter what the are doing or where they are. I often come home with a bag of other peoples crap after being out fishing, camping, bush walking etc. :(
Poor fella :( Lucky you were there to help him :D Good on ya :p
Agreed with the other people, it is sad how people treat the things they are so "proud" about. It is extremely sad, seeing any native animal hurt, especially a reptile. So many do not still care much for reptiles, it's sad, in saying that, humans don't really care about anything, we are quite selfish.
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