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Active Member
Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
Sunshine Coast, qld
Im interested to know who else out there gets weird animals?
I once had a Java finch pair up with a yellow cockatiel and had a cat that thought it was a dog.
At the moment I have a silky bantam chook that sleeps with my great danes,
a cat that follows or goes to kids that are upset(crying),
a stumpy cattle dog x when really excited her tiny 2inch tail goes up and down rather then side to side
and a GR carpet python that wont sleep in her hide unless she has a piece of cloth to lay on :shock:
Anyone else care to share about their unusual animals?
I have a rat that changes her house around and makes her own hides and sits on a little lounge to eat and has to have a blanket.
Dogs that like to sit up as high as possible including on top of the hood of a 4 foot fish tank.
An EWD who gets over excited and jumps out of her enclosure but then just wants to jump back in rather than escape.
A cat that jumps up and turns door handles.
My big dog and my rat that recently died were best friends until the dog got too big to live in the house. \
Budgies that try and play with the cat when it sits on their cage.
I used to have chickens that slept on my dog years ago.
My diamond python waits until her heat lamps turn off before coming out to bask under them.......
One of my dogs has a sneezing fit when he gets excited about dinner time. He'll also spin around in circles..always to the right :p
I have a rottweiler that picks my daughter up when she falls or cries , licks her everywhere then nudges her bum with his nose as if to say " alright off you go now your fine" lol . A cat that comes to the dogs whistle and a snake that enjoys being my scarf lol whenever i go to put him back in his enclosure he constricts round my neck to the point that unless Im going to bed or for a shower I dont bother removing him .
one of my spotted is the slowest striker he opens hes mouth then as slow as a snail move to the mouse so fn weird and when he get to the mouse he slowly and softly bites down on it... and when i say slow he is SLOW...
I had a hognose snake (when i lived in the UK) and he would strike at his food, constrict it a little, just ya know, do the whole killing it thing, then let go and try and eat it side ways. EVERY TIME. He could get the food perfectly from the head, in the exact position needed to swallow it without any dramas, then he would drop it and try to eat is sideways...
I suspect that all my animals are a bit odd. My cats fetch and return thrown objects. I have a cat that wolfs down kitty litter with the guilty look of a bingeing cake fiend sprung during a midnight raid on the fridge, another cat that loves and protects small prey animals (including my diabetic mouse who escaped on one occasion and was saved from my other cat because Small stood over her, not letting anyone else near, then fetched me to deal with the situation. On the occasion I gave him a dead rat which my carpet python rejected, he settled down to groom it then snuggled up with it), and several other odd creatures, but the herp-related oddness is my 5yo Somali cat who fell in love with my Stimsons python. She'll sit and stare at him for hours, purring every time he does anything, and doing the 'happy feet' kneading movement. When I get him out she gives him gentle head-bumps, and when it's feeding time, she sees the mouse-defrosting ritual and runs to his tank, mewing and pointing with her paw to indicate where the mouse is supposed to go. Then it's more purring and Happy Feet, and I get a head-bump reward for being nice to her 'pet'.

On a side note, new to the forum, hi everyone.:)
I have a cat that wolfs down kitty litter with the guilty look of a bingeing cake fiend sprung during a midnight raid on the fridge
On a side note, new to the forum, hi everyone.:)

LMAO!! Nice turn of phrase, welcome to APS :)
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