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Almost Legendary
Mar 17, 2004
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Hi guys , while mowing the lawn this arvo, I nearly ran over this little guy!
Saw something hopping away as fast as its bandy lil legs could carry it and stopped dead.
Caught him and set up a click clack thing till I can find somewhere suitable
to release it. Got me beat where it came from, there are no permanent water courses anywhere near, a stormwater run off a block away, thats it. no neighbours with ponds I know about either. bit of a mystery.
I think its a common stiped marsh frog, its actually a gorgeous irridescent green
but the pic sux (as usual )
Ill feed it up with juicy crickets till I find it a new home

Hey Innie, we get lots of then at Narellan (or something very similar). Lucky you dont have a salt water pool. Their worst enemy.
Yeah time for a new camera Inny :wink:

Get stacks of those here too, had about 500 tadpoles in the pool recently!
I have them in my backyard too...about the only species left around here dammit!!!
Just release it where you found it. This particular species of frog are one of the few species of frog in surburban sydney that are still in good numbers. Please don't relocate it to another 'more suitable area' because you are risking spreading diseases such as chytrid.

Thanks meshe1969 cool info! :)

G'day Alex, yeah I did think of Chytrid but there is nowhere to release it where i found it, in the middle of my lawn, no habitat whatsoever, my daughters dog is very likely to eat it.
maybe ill fill the kids old wading pool in the back garden, chuck in a few lillies maybe and leave it there?
few solar lights around it will attract moths for food. prolly the best i can do. *shrugs :)
Im thinkin the poor bugger will just hop away, dehydrate and die a cruel death, been very hot lately. It may do that wading pool or no. Oh well thats life eh!
Still love to know where it came from, my backyard is as dry as a mormon pub!
Most frog species live for quite a long time. So even 10 years down the road when all the water rescourse they need to breed are gone you will still have a reasonable adult population. This gives the impression that you have a reasonable of good ecosystem going in your arae when in fact your just watching them live out their days. If there are no standing bodies of water eventually these frogs will be gone as well. Put in some frong ponds Dan.
We live out in semi-rural borders of Sydney and have a lot of striped marsh frogs around, they are in significant numbers around here. That is probably due to the amount of dams around for them (a lot of market gardens etc.)

We have a little pond out the front of our house with overhanging plants, lots of rocks on the bottom, gravelly edges and a fabulous supply of insect larvae in the water. We get the biggest fattest tadpoles in there, and a good amount of other small reptile life too. If you create a nice environment for them they will come!
Thanks Guys, ill make a temp pond as soon as I have time. Im planning a turtle pond for the new year sometime, so maybe they'll share. Turts will likely eat em Lol.
Was just a nice surprise to see anything other than garden skinks in my yard. Havent even had a bluei for ages since reggy the rescue bluie early this year.
got a nice placed picked out for pond, provided theres not rock bed beneath. Our place sits on a dryed out riverbed, yard for most part has half foot of soil, followed by red clay and shale rock beneath, gonna be hard work, thinking of an above ground pond, looking into possibilitys. :)
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