Yay, Eggs!

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Gecko :)

Hi :)

I got a nice surprise when I checked my levis this morning,. the suspected gravid female had lost weight,. and I found 2 little eggies hiding in her rearanged enclosure,.

YaY!, Its my first attempt of breeding geckos,. How exciting ,.,I cant wait!

Kelly ;)

How big are the eggs?

Congratulations, must be really exciting :D (I'm still waiting for my first beardie eggs to appear, hehe)

Good luck with everything :)
Thanks Everyone, :)
Yes I am excited !
Good luck wit the beardies Miss B, (lovely new addition you have there by the way!.. very nice),... I cant wait to get my coloured beardies from Saz, in 2 weeks!!

Nikki, they are pretty small, I took some pics so ill post one a bit later to show their size ;)

Yay eggies!


Nikki here is a pic to show how big they are,.... :)

Levis eggs 230907 003.jpg

Kelly ;)
Congratulations! Waiting on my female to plop still..... What mixture are you using? 1:1? Also, what temp?
Omg thanks for the pic of the eggs , u must be sooo excited Kelly!
haha i love it..

they are almost the size of ur nail..

cant wait to see pics when they hatch good work :)
I am using roughly 50/50 water and vermiculite, temps 31, I heard 27-29 males, 30-32 females.

Cant wait till they hatch, (if they hatch), either way, .... I HaVe EgGiEs! :)
Just looking at that pic, they look to have caved a little in places.

Have they since perked up and are now a full shaped egg with no signs of collasping?

If they haven't i would add just a little more water.

Good luck.
Hey Twiggz,

Yes the do have little dimpled spots, they were that way when I found them.
I have added a little more water,. but dont want to go the other way and have it too damp.

How does everyone else do it?,. what mix?, does everyone keep theirs in airtight containers? and just air out once a weeks?
Any help/comments would be appreciated.

Thanks Kelly
I tend to do it every two weeks. Just take the lid of the containers for just a few minutes at a time and back in the incubator. As the get closer to hatching i do it bout once a week.

As far as adding water- only do it if its necessary. Usually when adding water you should notice within 24hrs that the eggs have corrected themselves or not. If they have then leave them, if not then you will probably find that the air in the container is not humid enough and is in fact drawing the moisture from the eggs (collasping the eggs)- and so you would need to add a little more water.
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