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Well done Poppets. Because you named more then one you get 1/2 point
Python guy44 will get 1 point this time.
.........microphecis ikaheka.........

Points so far:
Sobrien ........ 2
Poppets ........ 1 +1/2
Python guy44........ 2
Morelia man........1

New question:
colubrids are in one continent are overshadowed by other families.
Which continent?
Australia - elapids are the dominant land snakes
well i am fairly sure it is australian aswell.

but i do know that indonesia has the most density of colubrids to other families.

ps: can we have some questions which arent all colubrid ones lol.
i like the variety
well done Brodie

Points so far:
Sobrien ........ 2
Poppets ........ 1 +1/2
Python guy44........ 2
Morelia man........1
How Python female keep laid eggs worm? Scientific term for it please.
the eggs are layed and they stick to gether so they dont roll away. the mother wraps round the pile and this keeps them warm with her body heat. They mother also shivers which keeps them warmer aswell when wrapped around.

this is called "maternal incubation"
Only terms i can remember hearing are 'shivering' and 'maternal incubation'
You all are right people.

Scientific term for it is called spasmodic shivering by my book.
Point awarded to poppets.
Poppets this are hard questions you are winning. I hope that your dad is not answering them for you LOL. :p

Points so far:
Sobrien ........ 2
Poppets ........ 2 +1/2
Python guy44........ 2
Morelia man........1

Another question:
in which country live blind snake known to crawl inside the ears of people sleeping on the ground?
You are right Brendan it is India

Points so far:
Sobrien ........ 2
Poppets ........ 2 +1/2
Python guy44........ 2
Morelia man........1

Next question
How many species is in Phytons family? And how many species have slateman home?
I have a few questions for you Slatey.

Do you want the species family genus like BS displayed?
Or do you want the actual species/subspecies within the familys?
Do you want world wide species or just Australian?
Do you expect an exact number such as 595 or are you excepting over 500 species (as written in alot of books etc).

My answer is
There is 26 familys (genera) of pythons worldwide.
Within those 26 familys exists 595 species and subspecies world wide...

i know the slateman home has olives and diamond so thats 2 species.
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