Your thoughts plz.

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Jun 3, 2010
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Im just after peoples thoughts here, as to what thay think of a free roaming house snake?
As my coastal carpet loves the freedom of roaming where ever she feels, i have had her in a enclosure, but this seems to agitate her, and she was starting to injure her nose trying to break out all the time. ( she was not raised in captivity, but rescued from a dog attack in the wild ) so as it is now she lives mainly in our bedroom (on the bed, under the bed, in my pillow,in my washing, on top of my cd player, tv, where ever she feels really) she gets to go outside every second day for her sunlight, and toilet needs, but its never long before shes making her way through the backdoor and down the hallway back to her room (domain) she seems to know where shes going, and exactly how to get there.
she has her water dish on the bottom shelf of the entertainment unit, as well as a uv/heatlamp, and i normally feed her outside, she dosnt seem to use the lamp all that much, but loves her water dish (especially around sloth time).
but this being the first winter with her, im just a little unsure about her feeding, the last rat i offered her she took, but an hour or so later she thought it would be a nice offering of her own to give it back to me in a very slimy state mind you.
i know that when coming into winter thay are not as active, nor eat as much, so should i still offer her a feed every 2-3 weeks and let her decide whether shes hungry or not?
she does seem to be coming into the lazy lay around for a day or two thing, but still happy enough to make her way onto my lap, or in bed with me when she feels.(she is a big sook, and loves the affection she gets,and loves to have her head rubbed)
anyways just wanted your thoughts on the funny weird character that my little snake is.

a pic of little miss....
Isn't this the coastal that had the messed up tail and impaction? that's probably why she's messed up. coz you dont have her in a proper enclosure. no heat etc. shes not a dog that actually seeks attention. put it in an enclosure.
Isn't this the coastal that had the messed up tail and impaction? that's probably why she's messed up. coz you dont have her in a proper enclosure. no heat etc. shes not a dog that actually seeks attention. put it in an enclosure.

hmmm bit harsh. i love the fact that you let her roam around your house (under supervised conditions im sure). i have heard of this been done with the large olives and such and she sounds like a big gorjus sook :) not sure what you should do about the feeding (im sure others will) but good on you for giving her that freedom :p
This is just asking for a good ol' APS lynching....
Im no expert but from what I have learned from reading
through other posts is this..

sounds like she doesnt have the right tempreture to be
able to digest food properly.

Did you rescue her yourself?
There is always a risk with her not being in a secure cage.
There are pics of snakes that have been squashed in doors, stepped on, had things fall on them, been burnt or gotten part of theirs body stuck in small spaces, because the were left to their own devices.
Some of these resulted in the snake being put down because in an effort to free themselves they have broken their spine. And these werent little snakes, they were anacondas and retics.
The bottom line is that a house is designed for people not snakes and their safety.

She may never have this happen, but you can't be sure.
hmmm bit harsh. i love the fact that you let her roam around your house (under supervised conditions im sure). i have heard of this been done with the large olives and such and she sounds like a big gorjus sook :) not sure what you should do about the feeding (im sure others will) but good on you for giving her that freedom :p

I didn't think it was harsh seeing as he has his coastal outside roaming around the house permanently and not for a short period of time.
My opinion.

I don't agree with having pythons free roaming around the house or outside the house.

It puts the python in danger and other (including people, other species).

I would try the enclosure again, make sure temps are right and put lots of branches, rocks, things for it to be occupied and "explore" as it looks like it does a lot.
I guess some people have snakes as pets for different reason not the right reason. The mind boggles. What next, try to make the snake friends with the dog and cat?
I admire your levels of comfort having her roam so freely, I love my snakes but not sure how ok I would be having them crawl out of my pillow case : p
I think it's good to let them have a stretch, however I agree with the fact houses are designed for us humans and not our slithering friends.
The fact that it's coming into cooler temps and even you are unsure whether she's gone off her feeds due to the cooler temps or that she isn't using her heat sorce should be an indication that this needs to be modified.
You may need to alter her viv to something bigger as she likes to raom around and not be confined as much, we all know the bigger the better with our viv's ne way, you may just need to step it up - but I personally believe it would greatly benifit her.
well yes in fact i do take into consideration the temperature, and the humidity that these snakes are kept at in a confined enclosure, but you do have to think to...?
like i said, this snake was not raised in captivity.., it was from the wild.., and do you think she has ever gone looking for a heat lamp or pad in the wild?, and yes she is constantly supervised for her safety..., do you think anyone looked out for her in the wild?
and yes she does feed, drink, sloth, climb, ****, sleep as a normal snake would do! she seems to be as happy as a snake on a branch!
i am not denying this snake anything that it would not get in the wild...!!

and for your information waterrat.., she actually doesn't mind the dog, thay sleep together quite often..!

yes snakelove, this is the snake with tail problem, like i mentioned in another post..., i found out this was due to a broken tail when it was attacked by a dog..., it was rescued by another snake breeder, then handed over to myself..., after all the care and handling of this snake it seems to becoming accustomed to human interaction..., and yes like i said.., i can put her out in the yard.., and on her own free will she will make her way back into the house back to our room where she likes to roam around.
Well, there you are. I can see a good article on all this in Scales & Tails titled Domestication of pythons or dog & carpet - friends forever. Give it a go.
yes snakelove, this is the snake with tail problem, like i mentioned in another post..., i found out this was due to a broken tail when it was attacked by a dog..., it was rescued by another snake breeder, then handed over to myself..., after all the care and handling of this snake it seems to becoming accustomed to human interaction..., and yes like i said.., i can put her out in the yard.., and on her own free will she will make her way back into the house back to our room where she likes to roam around. .......

seems like you answered your own questions now dont it ...wether we agree (which I dont ) or not you will do what suits you ..but get one thing straight minute your comparing the needs for it because it was a 'wild' snake prior to you getting it ...just a little info your room isnt like the 'wild' outdoors now is it that argument is pear shape ..if you free range her so be it ,but you honestly increase your risk of either losing it or having it injured by something or someone ..
I doubt that much notice will be taken of the spoilers (like myself) who suggest that houses are dangerous places for things like snakes. They are not domestic animals. I think this is more about you than it is about the snake.

Would you let a toddler roam unsupervised around the house? Houses (or most of them) have hot water, heaters, electricity, stoves, doors which blow closed in the wind, tight spaces from which you can't remove the snake if you have to, people and animals which move around in the dark to go to the toilet etc etc etc. This is without mentioning the stuff which will get knocked off shelves, mantelpieces, tables etc if the snake moves around unsupervised.

Bad for you, but more importantly, very bad for the snake. Your sentiment will eventually cost the snake its life.
Whether we are newbies or seasoned keepers, we should strive to understand animals (snakes in this case) not just to love them. Although the two are not mutually exclusive, there is a fundamental difference. You can love your snake to death .... and die it will if you don't understand its needs.

Treat wildlife (whether captive bred or wild) with respect and dignity. There is a difference between dog, talking parrot and a snake.

Life in an enclosure is different to life in the bush..... but this is really basic, isn't it? Pythons don't snuggle to dogs, not even to wallabies.

Crazy, crazy world.
what an awesome sounding snake, i didnt think they could be so friendly if they hadnt been raised around people, but i guess if she was injured and helped by humans the trust would naturally develop,..

i dont let my pythons free range cos im scared of losing them, plus my beardies free range and i dont want them getting eaten, i leave them in their enclosures till i get home, then theyre allowed out fro a few hours till im too tired to watch them, and i put them away.

if shes not digesting due to the temps u could put her in a warm enclosure for a couple of daysafter feeding to help her digest, (or leave ur electric blanket on for her)

maybe you could set up some heat lamps (with covers to prevent burns ofcourse) in ur bathroom or something so shes confined to a 'safe' place where she wont get squashed or disappear?
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