Zombie rat kills snake

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Umm, rabbits don't gnaw??? Hmm, interesting...

Well they don't seem to do the damage that rats will. Rats gnaw with a vengeance!!! I haven't had much to do with rabbits, but they seem to want to get away from the snake, not climb all over it and follow it into it's hide, the way a rat will.
Well all I can say to those who do live feed rats or do not ensure they are dead before dropping them in with your snakes is..........

“ If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to serve as a horrible warning!!!”
why not watch ur snake if eating a live rat even if its been knocked on the head i watch my snakes even though i feed them frozen just to makes sure it all goes well
True, though there never seemed the need for it until you'd hear of such a thing happening, Now though through the power of the internet and forums and such information is easily accessible.. Back then you'd ask a guy who would tell you nothing of any value, ''In the wild nobody kills food for em'' I remember being ''great'' advise.. But yeah..

Frozen food has always been available. Kill it, freeze it, feed it later.
In the wild they are not stuck in a enclosure same for the rat. In the wild the snake ambushes the eat and takes it by suprise it's not a case of it just being dropped infront of it.
In the wild they are not stuck in a enclosure same for the rat. In the wild the snake ambushes the eat and takes it by suprise it's not a case of it just being dropped infront of it.

True, as someone stated somwhere here recently, the snake scent is all around and the rat goes on the defensive instantly. Where as in the wild the snake would not be in close proximity to the prey unless it was fired up to feed.
I think the big lesson here is that if you use FK then watch the entire feeding process. I do both, and have had rodents wake up at the wrong time, which is awful but if you are there you can do something about it. And a google search for "snake live prey damage" should convince people about the weaponry a rodent has.
Reacharge, I posted a pic and wrote what he told me. Point being..Feed frozen, as for my story having holes, are you saying i take photos of dead animals and make up fantastic scenarios?
In the wild they are not stuck in a enclosure same for the rat. In the wild the snake ambushes the eat and takes it by suprise it's not a case of it just being dropped infront of it.

Also I don't think the rats in the wild are quiet as calm as the ones being breed for snake food.

they would be running with any noise etc.
Its a bummer to see a diamond 1uped by a damn rat after watching one take down a full grown possum.
Good lesson, however it happened, but do agree there should have been a warning about the graphic picture. I'm quite tired and not as alert as I could be, but I was expecting some kind of light-hearted joke!
and hour and a half? after having it's head bashed against a wall or some such? no, sorry, don't believe you, I bred rats for near on six years (about 200 at any given time) I have a LOT of experience in this, I've seen how long it takes a rat to recover enough to even wander around just a little, and your story has so many holes it's not even funny, so how is it that this happened to your mate, but you know exactly what went on and when and in what order?
I can understand you wanting defend your "friend' but the series of events are simply too fantastical to be plausible in the way they've been laid out.

then let them ask for pics privately, there's no need for this type of image to be up, or at least have a not safe warning in the thread title.

inexperienced? yes, there are quite a few indeed, but there are also a lot of people who are quite experienced.
serious discussion INCLUDES people seeing and hearing an impossible story and then debunking it's supposed plausibility, because they know better from personal experience.

and it is a powerful message, IF it's true, and I simply don't believe the time line of supposed things happening, or the way they have been portrayed.

No wranga, this is the consequences of not supervising during a fresh kill feed, not because it was a fresh kill feed, lets not get carried away with half truths and misinformation here.

given the end result... does the time-line even matter?? Hello... if people are going to keep pets/reptiles etc then they'd better take a spoonful of cement and harden up a little.
I teach apprentices and some of the most valuable lessons for them are the life-skill ones that hit the hardest. Cops and Ambo's coming in and giving graphic displays of what happens when you drink and drive or travel too fast or just plain stuff up!. This thread and the pic attached is sometimes what's needed! No point wrapping newbies in cotton wool and then when something eventually goes wrong, all the "experts" on here will flame them sooo bad they won't want to be part of this site again
True, as someone stated somwhere here recently, the snake scent is all around and the rat goes on the defensive instantly.

I am not so sure about that. Someone recently posted a video of snakes striking at food both live and dead. Of the live mice thrown in, none of them appeared to know there was a snake right in front of them until the snake had it in it's mouth.
Reacharge, I posted a pic and wrote what he told me. Point being..Feed frozen, as for my story having holes, are you saying i take photos of dead animals and make up fantastic scenarios?

*sigh* No Inkage, that's not what I inferred at all, if anything, I'm saying your friend is telling you porkies, or at least, not the whole truth of events.

why is it on this site, everyone feels as if they are personally being attacked at every point? take some chill pills and consider not everyone is out to suppress and get you all.

fresh kill feeding is entirely safe if you follow some simple rules and common sense guidelines.

given the end result... does the time-line even matter??

yes, very much so, I'd hate to think you ask the same question in a trial or something :eek:

what event led to what and how are entirely important as is the CORRECT message, not some emotive rubbish designed to scare newbies into pulling the party line.
as for the rest of your ranting post, it holds no bearing in this discussion what so ever.
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Couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread, but to me the moral of the story is - learn to kill the food item correctly. Freshly killed is awesome, but only when the kill is a 'kill', not a 'donk' on the head that merely results in a woozy prey item. Nothing comes back after a correctly applied cervical dislocation...
I am just about to get my first diamond snake and after seeing this, I definately wont be feeding live. - oh and thanks for the lasting picture,one I will cherish every time I feed. Not!
So far 16 people "like" this thread, What the hell is there to like. Am I missing something?
It's a graphic warning. With graphic pics what do you like?
It is a diamond though, if it's anything like mine and my mates one, it doesn't really attack its food, it kinda slowly approaches it and casually eats it, as if it were in slow motion.

Maybe that one was like that and got ambushed?

My Diamond is like that, is fully looks over the food sniffs sniffs, then just gradually opens its mouth and inhales it.. never strikes at it or anything, its a big girl!
So far 16 people "like" this thread, What the hell is there to like. Am I missing something?
It's a graphic warning. With graphic pics what do you like?
They properly like because there is a lesson to be learnt. Two actually,
1/ Watch what you feed.
2/ If you (or a friend) make a mistake and post it in the hope other people don't make the snake mistake then expect to be flamed
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