Need some advise.... Geckos

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Oct 24, 2008
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Hello i am looking at getting a gecko.
I am totally new to reptiles and have wanted one for ages.
I would like to know what are some species of geckos that are easy to look after?
What kind of cage/setup i would need for keeping one?

What prices would i be looking at?

Thicktails ( U. milii), two foot tank, sand substrate, heatmat under 1/3 of the tank (no heating if you in a warm climate), some things to climb around on, a couple of hides. Price $50 - $150 depending on colour of gecko's and where you live.
Ok thanks heaps.
I was also thinking of a bearded dragon instead? I have heard you can handle them more than geckos.
Bearded dragons would need heating wouldnt they?

That two would depend on where you live . But yeah they do need heating. The Bearded dragon is a great pet to have as they are full of character. Quite easy to look after they need uv though. Some people use uv lights I don't I take mine outside for a few hours each week..

Geckos are cute but they are mainly to look at as you can't handle them as much as a beardie.
Ok thanks

Well i live on the Mid north coast NSW. So it is fairly warm climate. Coastal

What size tank would i need to keep a beardie?
JasonL I'm new to geckos got some the other day. I got some Nephrurus levis occidentalis we handle them for only 5 mins at the most every 3 days or so. They don't seem to mind we know not to pick them up by their tails. The don't seem stressed at all.

Is it ok to handle them sometimes so they aren't stressed? What can happen to them if you do handle them?

I tried doing some research on them before getting them but couldn't find much info on the net about them.
If you got a baby you would only need something small. You could even use a plastic container with part of the lid cut out and glue on some wire mesh fly screen. Then put a heat mat under it for warmth. You will need a thermostat as well to control temp....
JasonL I'm new to geckos got some the other day. I got some Nephrurus levis occidentalis we handle them for only 5 mins at the most every 3 days or so. They don't seem to mind we know not to pick them up by their tails. The don't seem stressed at all.

Is it ok to handle them sometimes so they aren't stressed? What can happen to them if you do handle them?

I tried doing some research on them before getting them but couldn't find much info on the net about them.

Geckos don't really like to be handled, I see no point in trying to do so for the keepers enjoyment when they would rather be left alone, though it is fine to pick them up for enclosure cleaning or checking them ect, Beardies on the other hand, usually arn't worried by people one iota, and will happily sit on your shoulder / lap without worry.
Oh Ok . Thanks for that. I'm suprised that there isn't really that much info on the geko. They're such a cute and fasinating creature.
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