Crocodile Whisperer

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2008
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Cental QLD
I was sent this via email and just had to share it with everyone! Steve Irwin would be proud! :D

If you thought the legend of the horse whisperer was impressive, here's an animal "tail" with even more "bite".

Rather than trying to tame wild stallions, fearless Costa Rican fisherman, Chito, prefers a playful wrestle in the water with his best pal Pocho - a deadly 17ft crocodile. The 52-year-old daredevil draws gasps of amazement from onlookers by wading chest-deep into the water, then whistling for his 980lb buddy - and giving him an affectionate hug.

Chito made friends with the croc after finding him with a gunshot wound on the banks of the Central American state's Parismina River 20 years ago. He had been shot in the left eye by a cattle farmer and was close to death. But Chito enlisted the help of several pals to load the massive reptile into his boat.

He says, "When I found Pocho in the river he was dying, so I brought him into my house. He was very skinny, weighing only around 150 lb I gave him chicken and fish and medicine for six months to help him recover. I stayed by Pocho's side while he was ill, sleeping next to him at night. I just wanted him to feel that somebody loved him, that not all humans are bad. It meant a lot of sacrifice. I had to be there every day. I love all animals - especially ones that have had to suffer at some point in their lives."

It took years before Chito felt that Pocho had bonded with him enough to get closer to the animal. He says: "After a decade I started to work with him. At first it was slow, very slow. I played with him a bit, slowly doing more. Then I found out that when I called his name he would come over to me."
This odd couple have now become a major tourist attraction, with several tour operators, including Crocodile Adventures, taking visitors on touring cruises to see the pair. On the Crocodile Adventures website it describes the spectacle as: "One of the most amazing things that no cruise ship passenger will want to miss, the adventure show between the man and the crocodile."

At one point during his recovery, Chito left the croc in a lake near his house. But as he turned to walk away, to his amazement Pocho got out of the water and began to follow him home. Chito recalls: "That convinced me the crocodile could be tamed."
When he first fearlessly waded into the water with the giant reptile his family was so horrified they couldn't bear to watch. So instead, he took to splashing around with Pocho when they were asleep.


Four years ago Chito showed some of his tricks to friends, including getting the animal to close his eyes on command, and they convinced him to go public with a show. Now he swims and plays with Pocho as well as feeding him at the lake near his home in the lowland tropical town of Sarapiqui, Costa Rica.
Woah. I don't even know what to say.
I amazed about what I see, yet skeptical about it lasting very long.

Just like to add that I think that croc is gorgeous. And good on the man for doing what he did to save it.
chantelle, it has lasted for a good 20 years or more now. Stories like this just prove that there are more to crocodiles (and reptiles in general, of course) then just unpredictable and instinctive animals.
That is so amazing...good on him for saving the croc, and putting the time and effort in to bond as well.
chantelle, it has lasted for a good 20 years or more now. Stories like this just prove that there are more to crocodiles (and reptiles in general, of course) then just unpredictable and instinctive animals.

Um, actually if you read the article in full it says he has only been doing shows for four years.
It also says he didn't get too close to the croc for almost a decade.
Great story. Good on Chito!

To any kiddies looking at these pics, DON'T TRY THIS!
It's a caman, isn't it, the breen of croc. It's native to Costa Rica, anyway. I don't think I'd trust an Aussie Saltie like that. Maybe a freshie.....maybe.....
Um, actually if you read the article in full it says he has only been doing shows for four years.
It also says he didn't get too close to the croc for almost a decade.

re read the article he found the croc 20 years ago, took 10 years to get close to the croc and only showed his friends the tricks 4 years ago. So it has been going on for at least 10 years. This was in the news july/august last year
Yes It's an American Crocodile and they are totally different in their attitude unlike the Estuarine Crocodile , American Crocodile are social in behaviour unlike the Saltie that's why Chito can react to his reptile, The Estuarine Crocodile is a loner as he is very territorial and to do this with a saltie you would have to have a death wish lol
Here are some youtube links to that croc




I think when that croc was shot in the eye that the bullet might have destroyed a piece of its brain lol, compared to our salties this croc seems...simple to say the least.
re read the article he found the croc 20 years ago, took 10 years to get close to the croc and only showed his friends the tricks 4 years ago. So it has been going on for at least 10 years. This was in the news july/august last year

Uh, hello I did read the article but you obviously didn't read my reply.
I quote from my original reply: "...he didn't get too close to the croc for almost a decade."

Besides, the first 5 years of that decade were probably slow and touchy. I quote: "After a decade I started to work with him. At first it was slow, very slow. I played with him a bit, slowly doing more. Then I found out that when I called his name he would come over to me."

Obviously this means that it HASN'T been going on for twenty years (as the first person to reply to me thought). He found it twenty years ago, took a decade to get close to it, then took a while to teach it tricks.

I also doubt that he would have left his friends out of the loop for very long on the subject either, so I'm guessing when he first showed them their "tricks" is around the time he was confident with the crocs training.

P.S, Not trying to sound rude or arrogant, but; End of story.
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you know what arguing on the net is like the special olympics even if u win your still retarded
i just posted something up and obviously misread your post, you got snotty and act like a higher power insulting my intelligence with your comment do u even know what a decade is.

nice to see you have since edited your post
as others have said ,the american croc is alot quieter than our Crococun Zoo,near Cancun in Mexico,you walk right through the middle of their enclosure and they are basking all over the place and on their path, without even flinching.


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i just posted something up and obviously misread your post, you got snotty and act like a higher power insulting my intelligence with your comment do u even know what a decade is.

nice to see you have since edited your post

I changed it because I re-read that you said ten years (when I thought you said decade), which means you obviously did know what a decade was.... so there was no point in asking if you knew what a decade was, was there?

P.S, how is asking an honest question "acting like a higher power"?
u edited it after i posted what i did. So u obviously saw that 1 could take offence to what u have written and have then gone and deleted what was said
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