Evolving from monkeys?

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Mo Deville

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2011
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Hey guys i just have a random question about a science theory, if we have evolved from monkeys would't there still be the in between evolving monkeys to humans? just somthing that iv thought about for a while, anyone got any thing on this?

Cheers Mo :)
The in between are around if you look carefully... There are plenty people that look like/act like/are less intelligent than a monkey XD.
Probably a topic more suited for the general discussion section, not the general reptile discussion area :) Just sayin..

It is definitely a thought-provoking question though, who knows what happened though, it is obvious that evolution takes stage over centuries/millennia so maybe the first cavemen dispatched them all as they competed for territory and they weren't yet evolved enough to prevail and they died out?
They inbetween monkey/Human was killed by Homo-sapiens Hundreds of thousands of years ago... Thats one theory... the other is...

As previously mentioned the out of Frankston theory :p ... Some scientist say the copious amounts of drugs an alcohol in there bodies Prevented there species from Further evolution lol
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heard from a history teacher back in high school as well that technically what we classify as Homo sapiens may be very different from the modern human today... Then again classification of species is ridiculously convoluted and complex to say the least.

By in between possibly you are refering to Pithecanthropus erectus?
If you wanna go all out, perhaps they havent all died out... Look at the yowie (and perhaps some other "people") :p
This is a common misconseption. Homo Sapiens (humans) did not evolve from monekys. There was a species WAY WAY back. This species went in two different directions. Part of it evolved to humans, and part evolved to monkeys. Animals are still evolving very slowly, but you could say that humans sort of stop this proccess, as we do not allow for the natural selection proccess to occur.
They inbetween monkey/Human was killed by Homo-sapiens Hundreds of thousands of years ago... Thats one theory... the other is...

As previously mentioned the out of Frankston theory :p ... Some scientist say the copious amounts of drugs an alcohol in there bodies Prevented there species from Further evolution lol

Calm down folks, I live in Frankston, however I was not born here so maybe that makes a difference.

LMAO! That, was an epic comeback.

Shut up you, anyway, they're not monkeys they are half-orcs
Hey guys i just have a random question about a science theory, if we have evolved from monkeys would't there still be the in between evolving monkeys to humans? just somthing that iv thought about for a while, anyone got any thing on this?

Cheers Mo :)

1) Human did not evolve from Monkeys, to my knowledge no scientific theory on evolution suggests this. But it is a common misconception perpetuated by those with an agenda to attack science.



Source: darwiniana.org
A. Pan troglodytes, chimpanzee, modern
B. Australopithecus africanus
C. Australopithecus africanus
D. Homo habilis
E. H. habilis
F. H. ergaster (H. erectus)
G. H. heidelbergensis, " Rhodesia man,"
H. Homo neanderthalensis
I. H. neanderthalensis
J. H. neanderthalensis
K. Homo sapiens, Cro-Magnon I
L. Homo sapiens, modern

Source: darwiniana.org

There is a lot of evidence out there on evolution and "missing links" and you only need to look as far as your own family to see "missing links".

Transitional fossil found in Human Evolution - YouTube
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its the aliens man, they got bored tens of thousands of years ago and made us in test tubes and dropped us on this planet as a reality TV show, and now its the longest running show in the universe
or the theory that primitive man was genetically altered by ancient aliens resulting in the human race.
We are very distantly related to monkeys, we are closest to the apes. Monkeys have a tail and don't have an opposable thumb(?). Apes; Gorillas, Chimps, Orang utans and humans are Homonids and Gibbons are the lesser apes.
yes there is mate. Do some research. Not saying it is true but there is definately a theory out there.
Do you mean a legitimate "theory" by the scientific definition or a "theory" as in a proposed explanation?

I hate this argument. As has been stated, it's a deliberate misquoting of the theory so that people can perpetuate the misconception in those too ignorant/unintelligent to look it up for themselves. As for the part about "would't there still be the in between evolving monkeys [read hominids] to humans" - no there wouldn't. Species evolve to become better suited to live in their environment. So as each new species came about, they were able to out hunt, out breed and generally just out survive the previous ancestors (survival of the fittest). These concepts aren't that difficult to understand. They just seem complex on the surface but if you read a book about it, you will see that it's actually an incredibly elegant, simple solution to the problem of how to survive in an ever changing world.
or the theory that primitive man was genetically altered by ancient aliens resulting in the human race.

I've seen evidence for this on Stargate Altantis.
ask daniel jackson.. he'll set you straight..
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