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Hey Shell,

Thanks so much :)

No not really, he's still a bit young :) only coming up two years.
His tail is more red (no orange and yellow) but still banded.
He also seems to be dropping his spots left, right, and center!
But still looking like a big girl haha
Certainly getting over his baby temperament now though
My roomie is so set on getting him too like's a dead end goal as far as the bird is concerned lol.



Mmmmm that toe looks good good enought to EAT!!! MWAAAHAHHAAHAHAAAAA :sly:

Mmmmm that toe looks good good enought to EAT!!! MWAAAHAHHAAHAHAAAAA :sly:


He likes chewing the plastic casing on shoe laces...most disappointed there were no shoes too destroy!

I wouldn't put removing digits past him though :D
Just a question about rainbow lorikeets as pets.
Are they fairly easy to look after provided the right diet is given?
Are they noisy?
and how much space should be provided per bird?

Thanks very much guys. Stunning birds by the way. LOVE the yellow ringneck!
Just a question about rainbow lorikeets as pets.
Are they fairly easy to look after provided the right diet is given?
Are they noisy?
and how much space should be provided per bird?

Thanks very much guys. Stunning birds by the way. LOVE the yellow ringneck!

there pretty much like ny other parrot. fresh food and water daily, yeah there pretty loud but i found most of the noise to be caused by all the local lorikeets tlking to them through the bars and a generous sized cage enough room for flight.
Just a question about rainbow lorikeets as pets.
Are they fairly easy to look after provided the right diet is given?
Are they noisy?
and how much space should be provided per bird?

Thanks very much guys. Stunning birds by the way. LOVE the yellow ringneck!

I wouldn't call rainbows like other parrots to keep. They need more attention per day than usual, and they're active throughout the day (unlike most parrots which will have downtime to relax, eat, etc). They are also very obnoxious and will push your limits :p Think of a four year old on sugar and you pretty much have a rainbow haha.

Yes, they are very noisy. Per space, as big as you can provide. They will use as much space as they can get. A typical cockatiel cage will not be enough. I have the cage linked below and mine uses all of it.
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Cheers guys.
The link got removed notechistiger but nevermind.
I am very happy to look after an active, curious and obnoxious bird ;) Not a problem for me. Plus he I will be able to spend a lot of time with it. As for noise, I can take it but not sure if the neighbours or mum will like it... hmm.
And I will be able to provide a large aviary type thing as I have a big space between my shed and the back fence which we previously used as a chook run. Bout 10x3x1.5m (lxhxwidth/depth)
Would that be decent?

When you say they are very noisy, what are we talking? Like constantly screeching? Or what?
Not really sure I understand why links that have nothing to do with reptiles nor affect the livelihood of the APS sponsors need to be removed, but whatever, lol.

Here's a couple of more recent photos of Elmo and Danny :D -



- - - Updated - - - have a macaw?!?!?

Sure do :)
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I wouldn't call rainbows like other parrots to keep. They need more attention per day than usual, and they're active throughout the day (unlike most parrots which will have downtime to relax, eat, etc). They are also very obnoxious and will push your limits :p Think of a four year old on sugar and you pretty much have a rainbow haha.

Yes, they are very noisy. Per space, as big as you can provide. They will use as much space as they can get. A typical cockatiel cage will not be enough. I have the cage linked below and mine uses all of it.

Tell me about it! Our rainbow lorikeet female is insane!!!! And she bites. Never used to but then she started laying eggs and then started to bite.
When you say they are very noisy, what are we talking? Like constantly screeching? Or what?

They do have an annoying (to me) screech and can also get repetitive with any sounds/words they might learn to mimic - A friend of mine has one that mimics the phone ringing. Constantly...

Your best bet is to go and see some and listen to them yourself - everybody has a different threshold for noise (volume and pitch) :)
Not really sure I understand why links that have nothing to do with reptiles or affect the livelihood of the APS sponsors need to be removed, but whatever, lol.

Here's a couple of more recent photos of Elmo and Danny :D -

View attachment 276957

View attachment 276958

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Sure do :)

dude that is awesome!!! I never knew that. Oh, by the way, Debbie says sorry to hear about Maggie and to please call her sometime as she'd like to talk with you.
@ Bananapeel- If u can spend alot of time with it and provide alot of toys etc just buy a large indoor cage, a large avairy like that for one bird is abit big imo unless u were willing to buy a few more lorikeets for company. They do screech and squawk ALOT and can be annoying but i have found that they are generally quiet when out of the cage.

This should of been a native bird thread ;) i unfortunantly couldnt afford my samuelii redtail this year but i am proud to say i have made a purchase on a major mitchells cockatoo and ill recieve him in another month, i cant wait!!! :D
dude that is awesome!!! I never knew that. Oh, by the way, Debbie says sorry to hear about Maggie and to please call her sometime as she'd like to talk with you.

Thanks :) He's been living here for a bit over a year now. I had a good catch up with Debbie via text last week :) All good.
And here's the Tawny Frog-mouth I'm caring for at the moment. He'll be ready for release in another month or so!

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I somewhat agree but most people seem to be posting natives anyway lol

These birds are exotic. Just not to us! :D
Yeah I can always not use the whole area.

(sorry guys about the native Q's) but I have one more. Because they need feed and water daily and a lot of playtime out of the cage. (like hours of it) per day, what happens if you go away? Because I can hardly dump such a huge responsibility on my Grandma :lol:. And they're a lot of work. soo what do you guys do? Loris in particular as they require a lot of time to stimulate their brains and play, others do too of course.

Thanks for you help albino93 and everyone else! Appreciate it. ;)

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If I went with an indoor cage, is the whole 'projectile pooping' really bad? Or is the mess not quite as bad as it's made out to be?
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