Rehabilitating abandoned Darwin

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Not so new Member
Jan 23, 2013
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Surf Coast, Victoria
I have just taken on a roughly year old albino Darwin. It had been abandoned at a small mammal vet practice where my friend practises. Apparently the young woman who owned it thought a snake would be a cool, edgy pet with minimal care requirements. Sadly for Hecate (the python) the ex owner never handled it and rarely fed her, because apparently it was too scarey.
i fed it at the clinic over a couple of weeks, and slowly got it used to being handled. It was extremely aggressive at first, but after a couple of feeds, some water and a bowel movement, it has settled right down. I am still a bit wary of it as it seems extremely "nervous", unlike my lovely placid mac (Spiral), but the vet clinic have given it to me. I am handling it for short periods each day, but am worried that it is taking very little food. Spiral is feeding 3 times a week in this balmy weather, but Hecate seems to be wanting feeding but then just looks at the fuzzy for ages. ( My blueys are enjoying the uneaten snake food) I am having successful feeds only about once a week, but I would prefer more as Hecate is extremely thin, bony and was close to starvation. Also skin is dry, rather than sleek like Spiral's, and there are odd dry patches left after an incomplete slough. It is also in a smallish carrier box until I can alter the spare vivarium more to a tree python's needs. It is inactive while in box, but is becoming more inquisitive each time it has handling time.

any suggestions you may have for me will be gratefully received. I have no history rehabbing a Darwin, but I do wish to keep it well looked after for a long time.
thanking you in advance :)
Only one, stop handling it and let it settle and feed on a more regular basis before begining the handling process. At this stage, the handling is just causing it unnecessary stress. As long as you've provided optimal housing and a place where it feels secure, it should be fine and begin feeding on a more regular basis.
Thanks for replies. Carrier has warmth and a cooler end.
i thought it would be good to give it some handling, and have been v gentle, but how long should we wait to handle? Presumably there will be some settling in time once i get enclosure ready? And is a fuzzy mouse once a week in summer enough? ESP considering the massively depleted shape the animal is in? I do appreciate helpful comments :)

thanks especially for your thoughts kaotikjezta. I was hoping for some help, not rude nastiness. And yes spiral does take a pinkie mouse roughly every 3 days,when the weather is hot, and the local herp vet was pleased with her care. Having only recently moved into pythons after ooh about 40 years with lizards and dragons, I was clearly mistaken that this was a supportive community.
Why are you feeding your other snake 3 times a week. If it is feeding once a week it is doing well. It seems the vet has taken it from one person that didn't know what they were doing and handed it straight to another.

yeah and people automaticaly start helping this person, by shooting them down and trying to make them feel bad, education is the key not verbal poison.
Feed your snakes once a week, give them a hot end and cold end so they can regulate their temps, clean poo when you see it and clean the tank well once a week, bowl of water changed at least every second day, and stop handling the darwin for three months unless necessary. the snake is highly stressed and is lashing out to protect itself, remember the basics of snake rearing, they seek out shelter first to make themselves feel safe then everything else, heat, water food. People ask for advice on this site and they should receive it without being told they dont know s##t and being belittled, grow up.
Thanks for replies. Carrier has warmth and a cooler end.
i thought it would be good to give it some handling, and have been v gentle, but how long should we wait to handle? Presumably there will be some settling in time once i get enclosure ready? And is a fuzzy mouse once a week in summer enough? ESP considering the massively depleted shape the animal is in? I do appreciate helpful comments :)

thanks especially for your thoughts kaotikjezta. I was hoping for some help, not rude nastiness. And yes spiral does take a pinkie mouse roughly every 3 days,when the weather is hot, and the local herp vet was pleased with her care. Having only recently moved into pythons after ooh about 40 years with lizards and dragons, I was clearly mistaken that this was a supportive community.

It is mostly extremely helpful on here mate....there's only a few uppity know it alls that look down on you from time to time! I'd take the earlier advice and ease off a little on the handling just a little until the poor little bugger is getting a good regular feed and starts to recover a bit more. You seem to be seeking out professional advice, so good on you I say! Keep us updated on its progress(and maybe some pics?):)
Apologies, I'm not trying to shoot you down, it's a bit hard to convey emotion in a typed sentence and the only emoticon I know how to do so far is a smiley:)! At this stage, the snake is getting nothing personally out of any kind of handling (if they ever appreciate it), so while it's already dealing with other health issues, I'd personally keep handling to a bare minimum (enclosure maintenance, etc) and give it plenty of time to settle. I've had snakes go for months without feeding with little ill effect, but handling is likely always stressful, despite what others might say.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for replies. Carrier has warmth and a cooler end.
i thought it would be good to give it some handling, and have been v gentle, but how long should we wait to handle? Presumably there will be some settling in time once i get enclosure ready? And is a fuzzy mouse once a week in summer enough? ESP considering the massively depleted shape the animal is in? I do appreciate helpful comments :)

thanks especially for your thoughts kaotikjezta. I was hoping for some help, not rude nastiness. And yes spiral does take a pinkie mouse roughly every 3 days,when the weather is hot, and the local herp vet was pleased with her care. Having only recently moved into pythons after ooh about 40 years with lizards and dragons, I was clearly mistaken that this was a supportive community.

Ok I was a bit harsh and I apologise, its been a day for stories about bad advise and husbandry today at work and I am a little vexed. IMO you really should get spiral on one furred item a week rather than 3 pinkies. Pinkies have no roughage so the sooner you move onto an item with fur the better. Feeding three times a week means the snake is in a constant state of metabolising. I don't know who the herp vet is but I would be a little dubious if my vet was telling me to feed a healthy, feeding python 3 times a week. Again, with the albino, try a larger item once a week and as stated, keep handling to an absolute minimum until a good feeding regime has been established. Young albinos can look a little thinner than they are at times as all definition is more obvious due to the colouration, if that makes sense.
It is a supportive site but if your doing something wrong, even with the best intentions people on here will tell you as the Animals welfare is more important then your feelings.

not having a go but there Are a few things you could be doing slightly different
the fact that anyone thought of feeding the snake three days a week shows that not one bit of research has been done... Unless the Darwin is taking really tiny feeds every few days but still maybe some research needs to be done because all the information is accessible online... Good luck with getting the snake back to health but in future maybe some research needs to be done... It would only take five minutes to research the husbandry requirements of a python...
Lol, good that you have heat! I was picturing a little cat carrier type box with no heat! Sounds like your doing a good job, just the same as everyone else, I would back off on the handling and try to feed a bigger feed less often! Good luck with the little guy.
Thanks again, I now have some information that makes sense. I want to do the best by all my animals, and it also now makes sense that Spiral was wanting so many feeds because she was eating too small/ not enough roughage foods. I will leave her a bit longer and offer her a fuzzie next time round.
Probably stupid question, but how differently do spotted pythons behave in optimum conditions to darwins? When I got Spiral I was told by the breeder that spotted pythons can be a bit aggressive as juveniles. I have never found this with Spiral, but I read elsewhere that darwins are a placid species? I know individuals are not always exactly as species is described, so thoughts are needed. I had assumed that if darwins were placid, then similar handling to what worked when I first got Spiral was the way to go? And that was a few minutes daily slowly building to longer periods. But I guess too a healthy hatchling from a breeder is also in a different place to a neglected older python.
You may want to place a biggish water container in (for soaking) to help get off the leftover shed.
Other advice above re feeding and handling is good advice.
Good luck with Hecate, Albino Darwins are sweethearts.
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all snakes are individual creatures with their own personalities, there are triggers that set them off ie food, heat, movement when they are hungry etc.etc.but some are just a bit snappier than others, just adjust your handling technique to suit their individual needs, one of my albinos is a big pussy the other is a scary monster to handle and a novice would get smashed.
Ok I was a bit harsh and I apologise, its been a day for stories about bad advise and husbandry today at work and I am a little vexed. IMO you really should get spiral on one furred item a week rather than 3 pinkies. Pinkies have no roughage so the sooner you move onto an item with fur the better. Feeding three times a week means the snake is in a constant state of metabolising. I don't know who the herp vet is but I would be a little dubious if my vet was telling me to feed a healthy, feeding python 3 times a week. Again, with the albino, try a larger item once a week and as stated, keep handling to an absolute minimum until a good feeding regime has been established. Young albinos can look a little thinner than they are at times as all definition is more obvious due to the colouration, if that makes sense.

I'd say that advice sums it up perfectly!
leave it alone for at least a month to settle, up the feed size, feed once a week as it needs to digest and poop it before it eats again. i have 5 darwins, 2 are big sooks, 2 are easy to handle and 1 is very agressive at times. personality/ behaviour wise they are not all the same, this snakes been through a rough time and it will take time to settle in and adjust to its new life style.

good luck with her
You mentioned the snake was abandoned at the vet clinic. Does this mean the proper paper work was never done between the previous owner and the vet. What sort of paper work did you do when gaining this snake from the vet? Poor little guy! Hope he starts feeling more comfortable with you :)
Hi after some help as thought we were doing good but now not so sure

We recently took in a abondoned spoted python she had been left by her owner for over 6 months and over 4 of them without water or a hide in her tank she had also only been feed mice pinkys 1 a week mind you she's full grown so we contacted RSPCA they didn't help the local wild life park couldn't take her either so we contacted the wildlife department easy they said take her home then get the ranger to come look at her yer right now they say we have to some how prove if she's captive or wild and we have no idear we only helped her survive the hell she had been put through she is quite aggressive but its understandable seeing as she had not been handled and she's suffered so much now I just worry about what will happen to this lovely girl
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