2 Headed Beardie

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
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Manly West, Brisbane
Thought you all might like to see a few pics of a 2 headed bearded dragon. They are about 12 months old age now and are doing well. They live in Fresno, California.
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there a lot nicer than the ones AUS at least those ones have straight spines
Holy cow, they look awesome.

does anyone know if they both have to eat at the same time?
or can one just eat and other one doesnt..
It may live in California, but it was born in Tassie lol.

oh yes nice call that is awesome twice as much work twice as many teeth and twice the money for food so i think they are pretty bad there not my cup of tea but thanks for sharing
way to steal images jewly.... its polite to mention a name or een a link...

i warned barbara that this would happen..

their names are Zack-and-wheezie.. they are getting close to one year old.. a few months off it.. and are perfectly healthy. they both can and do eat, although zack prefers crickets and wheezie prefers his greens and silkworms.. being boys, they are expected to be stressed and dominate each other, instead they seem to get along. apart from a few black beards here and there they do well with each other... not that they have a choice.. they work together, both general movement and walking. but one will also keep a lookout when outside, while the other goes to sleep or relaxes in the warm sun.

Barbara is the first keeper to grow a two headed dragon to adult hood, the others simply die off, mainly because the split is 'y' shaped, you generally hae more success when it is a 'Y' split. such as zack and wheezies case.. they share a heart, yet each control a lung each, their skulls have indentations allowing each to move as necessary, and their spine is split equally yet the hump is formed during growth, and enevidable..

you can see zack and wheezies life stages here.. http://www.beardeddragon.org/bjive/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=79821&st=0&sk=t&sd=a

since zack and wheezies birth, there have been three others made public, although none survived more then a few weeks.. here is the latest and newest two headed new born. there is hope because its already up and running, and the bubs have a Y split.. http://www.beardeddragon.org/bjive/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=82685&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
way to steal images jewly.... its polite to mention a name or even a link..

If the images aren't copywrited, then anyone is free to copy them. I never claimed they were my images, I simply put them up because I thought others might be interested in seeing them. There was no offence meant to Barbara.

Also, the reason I didn't post a link is because in the forum rules it says you can't promote simiilar discussion forums.
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There is a two headed Beardy here in Aus that is over two years old, so she is not the first to raise one.

who, what, where, and when, photo, name? pics or it didnt happen.

anyone can say somethign like that, but can you proove it? :)
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