A monster 6.5m killer crocodile shot

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A MONSTER 6.5m croc had to be killed by locals in a remote community because it was killing their cattle.

Published On: 05-Aug-10 08:14 AM
Source: Northern Territory News via NEWS.com.au

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"We used to get dugong bones to feed them, to keep them from feeding on our goats ... this one was getting too nasty and too close. It was attacking our cattle."

Idiots were only attracting it there by feeding it in the first place. The animals can't establish what food is allocated for them or not, if it knows a place is good for food, it's gonna keep going back there and establish the location as it's primary feeding ground regardless of which prey items happen to be lurking about.

If you ask me, I think the some people are the ones who deserve to be shot!
Thals, you are not being politically correct. Naughty!
I live in an area with a massive population of crocs and i've been involved with shooting problem crocs. Trust me it is better for the croc population as a whole that a croc that may be a danger to people and pets are shot/trapped and then shot (don't beleive the stories they spin about them going to farms, well they do go but then they are shot) before they cause any harm.
Well said Thals!! The poor croc.

Where on earth do you get dugong bones from??
Do these mungrels not know that it is illegal to just shoot a crocodile?
As Thals said, if they werent feeding the crocs in the first place this problem would not happen.
Judging be the location of the "Knockers" here I am guessing there is not too much experience with this issue, now Gordo having mentioned some experience may be a little better informed to comment. Unless he is a reptile hater too, being on this forum I guess not though!

Big sucker!
Judging by the photo i'm guessing that it was shot sometime in the 70's when they weren't protected. And also by indigenous people who, now, have native hunting rights. Meaning that it is more than likely legal.

Do these mungrels not know that it is illegal to just shoot a crocodile?
As Thals said, if they werent feeding the crocs in the first place this problem would not happen.
Judging by the photo i'm guessing that it was shot sometime in the 70's when they weren't protected. And also by indigenous people who, now, have native hunting rights. Meaning that it is more than likely legal.

Ah just read the article it said 90's. Still covered by native title.
Not the best word to use for an indigenous community mate lol

Sorry for being Politically incorect. Take it how you like. I actually used the word "Mungrel" instead of another stronger/nastier word which I had typed out and then backspaced and changed it so as to be less offensive and to save myself from being expelled from the forum.
Sorry for being Politically incorect. Take it how you like. I actually used the word "Mungrel" instead of another stronger/nastier word which I had typed out and then backspaced and changed it so as to be less offensive and to save myself from being expelled from the forum.

Let's see if BOGAN gets me expelled from the forum?
Sorry for being Politically incorect. Take it how you like. I actually used the word "Mungrel" instead of another stronger/nastier word which I had typed out and then backspaced and changed it so as to be less offensive and to save myself from being expelled from the forum.

I know you didn't mean to be racist lol.... we all know who the superior race is.... the Umpa Lumpas.
Sorry for being Politically incorect. Take it how you like. I actually used the word "Mungrel" instead of another stronger/nastier word which I had typed out and then backspaced and changed it so as to be less offensive and to save myself from being expelled from the forum.

I don't appreciate your undertones of racism. You really don't have much of an idea of how life works in a remote community. I would hazzard a guess that the existence that the remote indigenous population have, living in the sticks, has a far smaller impact on biodiversity and conservation than yours does.

Your attitude shows your lack of understanding about life in communities and unfortunately all too common.
I know you didn't mean to be racist lol.... we all know who the superior race is.... the Umpa Lumpas.

Haha!!! trust me, there was no racism intended at all. I treat all people (races, religeons ect) equally. and I judge people by their actions. I simply disagree with the actions of these people.
PS. don't ask me what do I mean by "these people". lol.
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