Adult Enclosure Size For Pygmy Beardie?

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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I have had my snake for close to a year now and am currently looking into the next reptile I want to get. I fell in love with the pygmy bearded dragons that were at the breeder when I got my little snakey and they are high on my list of choices. What I would like to know is, what is the best size for an adult enclosure for these little guys? I have a 3 ft glass tank and I would be stoaked if I was able to use that for one of these. If not, I want to know now so that I can plan ahead. I wont be getting anything new for quite some time as Miki is coming up due for an adult sized enclosure and I have to take care of that before I can think of anything else. Just doing the preliminary research right now. How big do the pygmies get anyway?
A three ft is more than enough. You can keep four in a four ft.
Sweet! Does that mean I can get two of them for that size? I wouldnt get more than two. Also, is it better to keep them in pairs or separate? Do they prefer the companionship or are they more loner types?
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dwarf beardies are very social, you can definately keep 2 quite happily in a 3 foot tank. just make sure the two you get are the same age/size. if you've got any questions just ask, i have two dwarf beardies in a 3 foot :)
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