Another new kid

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New Member
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Riverland SA
Greetings everybody,thought id better introduce myself as i have been a guest lurking in the back ground for sometime now,have found this site to be of imense help to me as i have only had my snakes for just under a year and are a greenhorn but learning fast!
Looking forward to getting more advice soon from everybody ,
Cheers n Beers........
hey sab, welcome mate. what snakes ya got? where are u located??

cheers.... and ALOT of beers
Welcome storms, glad to see you you've finaly decided to sign up, i was once a guest that always seemed to be drawn back again and again to this site so i thought what the heck and signed up, and its great because i've been able to ask questions and learn things that iv'e never previously known. Don't be afraid to ask questions people will usually line up to help you as best they can, you may cop some critiscism for askin stupid questions, but don't let it phase you as it shows you are keen to learn, just tell the grumpy old B*****ds to shut up They were probably like you once upon a time....

Hi SS, Welcome to AP&S, remember, the only stupid question is the one that isn't asked.
'Cheers n Beers'... i like it :D

Welcome to the crew dude!

Thals 8)
Welcome dude!

I think everyone at some stage was a guest...lurking in the shadows! lol

Gday mate,im in country SA near the Vic border in the riverland area.
I have 2 Murrays which are local to this area,about 4.5 ft and 3ft.
My first one which is the smaller of the two escaped and a few days later a mate of mine rescued the bigger one from someone who was neglecting it big time so i took her in an she has improved rapidly,then i found Mopar(the small one) hiding in the lounge room cupboard so i had to make another enclosure for him.Now ive got 2 not that im complaining,mind you....
Welcome to APS. Enjoy the site, there are some really knowledgeable people on here. I agree with mrmikk, ask away!
Gday Matt,yeh i too can also be a grumpy middle aged bastard at times myself and are up my a bit of "friendly heckling" with the best of them,ha.
Ill ask the stupid questions and watch the verbal fly shall i?
Cheers dude.......
Yes your onto me there GSXR boy,my two late pitbulls were called Sabbath and Storm,after the mighty POD himself(Ozzy).
Into bikes are you?
Ah Good man i have a few myself,old stuff mainly;
2 Z900s,2 Z650s, A Turboed GSX1100ED,SR500,off its head XL500,.......the list goes on much to the missus horror,ha,ha...
At the moment i'm bikeless!! :shock: I really can't help myself with fast toys and sold my bike in the hope i may "grow up". :)
Had various gsxr's,R1, Ninja but am hoping to get a Hayabusa or build a streetfighter something, but my misses has this odd notion we need a house so i may have to go for something cheaper :(
My best mates got a turbo busa 383 at the back wheel@14psi,its pretty insane makes huge torque i was pretty lucky my mate sold me his old turbo kit really cheap off his EF for my GSX i couldnt afford it otherwise.Most of mine i have biult up myself from roughies but its amazing what a rebuild and paint job does...........
My best mates got a turbo busa 383 at the back wheel@14psi,its pretty insane makes huge torque i was pretty lucky my mate sold me his old turbo kit really cheap off his EF for my GSX i couldnt afford it otherwise.Most of mine i have biult up myself from roughies but its amazing what a rebuild and paint job does...........

I have seen one on youtube ridden by "Ghostrider".You even seen his youtube clips or bought his movies?
Yeh ive got his first dvd,ill see if i can find some vids and pics of our bikes to stick on here to give you a nosey,tell the wife if you were to buy a house you could always borrow a little extra and buy a busa as a cheaper mode of transport,thus reducing fuel costs,getting to work faster so as to be able to spend more time with her getting home sooner,etc,etc.............
Yeh ive got his first dvd,ill see if i can find some vids and pics of our bikes to stick on here to give you a nosey,tell the wife if you were to buy a house you could always borrow a little extra and buy a busa as a cheaper mode of transport,thus reducing fuel costs,getting to work faster so as to be able to spend more time with her getting home sooner,etc,etc.............
I have tried that but she has seen how i ride and probably thinks i won't be here to pay the mortgage! :)

If you get a chance put up some pics.
I had some but we upgraded computers and hopefully she put them on disc and i can upload them.
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