Ban serial abuses of Chit Chat

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Surry Hills Sydney
Is there anyway that user can be restricted for chit chat.

The stupid 'which are you' or 'what's your favourite' by some members are getting pathetic.

Maybe limit it to one chit chat post a day, or stop serial offenders posting at all.

It's creating junk and valid threads are disappearing.
i agree, actually i don't care =) that's why there's two lists to the side one for herp discussion and one for chit chat =)
Is there anyway that user can be restricted for chit chat.

The stupid 'which are you' or 'what's your favourite' by some members are getting pathetic.

Maybe limit it to one chit chat post a day, or stop serial offenders posting at all.

It's creating junk and valid threads are disappearing.

There is no prize in guessing the offender your talking about.
Looking at their username, id say its a 15 year old on school holidays, board out of his brains.
IMO you dont even need to open and read the thread to no its garbage, just ignore it and move on.
I agree, maybe a limit of 5 though :p
For example, i created a thread discussing buying used enclosures and the risk associated with it, but it seems members on here prefer to post in these childish threads! Forgive me, but i thought this was a reptile site....... no wonder the more experienced herpers are moving on to another site!
I thought that was the whole reason for the 'chit chat' forum? So people who want to socialise or talk about things not directly referencing reptiles don't end up posting in the regular forums and clogging things up.
Yes, but what happens to the valid thread when it gets moved down the page and someone wants an answer and doesn't get it because people see it and then move on.
Damn there goes my idea for a thread, "which spanner measurement do you think is better, Metric or imperial..."
Damn there goes my idea for a thread, "which spanner measurement do you think is better, Metric or imperial..."


APS's strength lies in chit chat. If you are serious about wanting information you'll probably use Google, read books, talk to reptile keepers (the majority of whom don't come to forums, and even the serious ones who do rarely bother answering many questions because years ago they got sick of answering the same stuff over and over). APS is basically a social site, it's fun. There are several Australian reptile forums and they cater for different niches. APS is the chat king.
School hols are over as far as I know. A question? Why are kids on at this time of day? They should be at school. If they are using the school computers, why are the teachers allowing it????
Back to topic though. Isn't that what chit chat is for? Chit chatting about "stuff" that has little or no value? You don't have to read them. A little nonsense is a good thing imo. It keeps the balance with all the heavy stuff which seems to invade our minds!
Yes, but what happens to the valid thread when it gets moved down the page and someone wants an answer and doesn't get it because people see it and then move on.
I must be getting confused then :S.
I didn't think the chit chat forum had valid or important posts in it. If I have a question I put it in "general herps" "herp help" or in the "australian snakes" forums depending on the question and usually it gets answered by at least one person.
I could be looking through the forum in completley the wrong way though. When I look for recent threads I go to the specific forum I'm after. I don't look at the list of updated stuff on the home page, because it's all jumbled about
Is it the home page what you're talking about?
Perhaps they could do the same on there as they did with the 'recent' menus on the side of the page. Split them into herp and chit chat, so that chit chat doesn't knock herp stuff off the page.
Yes he is talking about the home page, and it was put to admin along time ago to separate the home page, that's when the chit chat section was given its own menu on the right hand side.
It was also put to admin, that maybe chit chat posts shouldn't be included on the home page, i think that issue should be re-visited! ;)
Members should think about what they want to chit chat about as well.
Really, a thread about someones 'lost sock' or 'my partners undies were found in my glider cage'.
I am sure that these are not 'kids' doing these threads.
I have put that to the mods and admin about the chit chat section not being on the main menu.
I agree, I don't mean people that are using chit chat for intelligent chit chat eg State of Origin.

I'm talking about stupid idiotic threads like 'what type of bearded dragon are you' or 'what you favourite colour is'. Who Cares.

Can we seperate them so they don't show up in 'new posts or today's posts'
we are talking about the serious abusers ,

Can we also restrict the serial whingers.......the serial grumps....and those who get off on sending ignorant pms! :rolleyes: Lighten up people. IT IS CHIT CHAT!!!!!!
Can we also restrict the serial whingers.......the serial grumps....and those who get off on sending ignorant pms! :rolleyes: Lighten up people. IT IS CHIT CHAT!!!!!!

I don't think he was saying that chit chat go completely, just that it not impact on where the more important threads are seen.
If no-one responds to these rubbish threads, then they will get dropped to the bottom of the list. If people add to them then they will keep getting bumped. Simple - if there is no demand for something, it will get ignored...
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