bird eating spider

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Every spider needs a friendly gnome like you looking after them. :D And it is nice to see someone who cares enough for the spiders to offer care sheets and assistance even to people you have not sold them to and have no profit from. Your love for these giant spiders is quite obvious in your posts.
nome are could you give me a run down of the husbandry of the bird eating spider
Hi there Nome
I enjoyed your response. I thought that you were correct in every thing you said except that you only find males under tin sheets. It is actually very common to find females under tin and we often find females with there egg sacs there. I am glad there is some body out there like your self committed to this hobby you are doing a great job.
Cheers Adrian Hogg and Dave Mackintosh
Pilbara Pythons
HI there,

Sheralyn- ..blush..thanks, very nice thing to say.

Moman- ...umm.. i'm a bit can read up on my site about spider keeping....not sure what you mean by species.

David and Adrian -

I'm only taking what I have heard from 3 Cairns collectors that only find male Phlogiellus. sp. and Selenocosmia spp. under sheets of iron. I won't pretend I'm an expert, and never have gone collecting myself. Is it WA that you guys collect in? What species do you find there? Sorry if i generalized that statement too much, like I said, I only know about the Cairns collectors, and I think I'm correct in saying that 90% of the species that are found in pet stores are from that area. I still think it is cruel, regardless of where they are collected, to put them in a pet store.

Kind regards,
i know for a fact the local pet shop to me has had them escape but not die they are a good pet shop (the only one) and have a vet nurse, a trainee vet nurse and one guy who is obsessed with herps so they have good people working there.
but they do sell these tarantulas and they don't have much knowlege about them, i asked how old - they didn't know, and when i asked about care they handed me an american tarantula book which has the basics but they themselves couldn't tell me anything.

On the other hand i have gotten my spiderlings from nome and they are so cute and i can see them grow up (so cute) and i know they haven't been wild caught cause i am also against wild caught anything
Bryony said:
i know for a fact the local pet shop to me has had them escape but not die they are a good pet shop (the only one) and have a vet nurse, a trainee vet nurse and one guy who is obsessed with herps so they have good people working there.
but they do sell these tarantulas and they don't have much knowlege about them, i asked how old - they didn't know, and when i asked about care they handed me an american tarantula book which has the basics but they themselves couldn't tell me anything.

Where is this Pet Shop Bryony?

And Nome: I know a large number (if not the majority) of the spiders for sale in Sydney come from Cairns.

Hi nome
Firstly I do not collect bird eating spiders any more and all past collecting was done in the Cairns, Cooktown, and Innisfail area and not for any purpose other than giving them away to friends as pets. I now reside in far north W.A and as of yet have not seen any here but I know that they are definately found further north east. However if I do find one here I will be catching it and will endeavor to have it identified. I will certainly let you know if and when this happens. I would be interested in knowing who the collectors were in the Cairns area.
Cheers Dave Mackintosh
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