blotchies not eating

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2008
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My baby blotchies have not eaten for going on 3 weeks now.
I know its sleepy time but I have them inside, with there heat lamp and UV on and yet they are still not hungry nor walking around at all. ( they are in there cave and never venture out) should I be worried that they seem to be going into burmation even though they are juveniles?

thanks guys.
It may be a lack of variety in foods, its the same with scorpions and some other lizards i've had, if you continuosly keep feeding them the same food they become bored of it and may even stop eating.
My baby blotchies have not eaten for going on 3 weeks now.
I know its sleepy time but I have them inside, with there heat lamp and UV on and yet they are still not hungry nor walking around at all. ( they are in there cave and never venture out) should I be worried that they seem to be going into burmation even though they are juveniles?

thanks guys.
what are u feeding it?
Hey .
They get a lot of Varity. There meals include:
Dog/cat food (science diet )
Broccoli, brocollini, cucumber, endive, squash, sprouts, carrot, peas, blueberries, strawberries, apple, banana, pear, all types of melon, bok choy etc.
Depending on there appetites they also get as a treat, tinned baby food – veggie and fruit types. As well as egg and occasionally whiskas or other types of crappie wet food. (never seafood) sometimes chicken mince.
They also get king worms, snails and always have a dry pellet food available.
all my reps get a high varied meal....

I don’t think it is there diet lol J
My alpines are inside, still getting some heat during the day, & none at night. In the morning, they come out & bask for a while, then spend the rest of the day sleeping. They've been off their food for weeks now, ever since it started getting cool at night.
I'm still offering a small amount of food once a week, sometimes they'll pick through a little bit, but mostly they ignore it.
awesome sock puppet, thankyou!
mine are getting there heat at night as well coz they are in with the kimberlys atm :)
georgie - not a good idea keeping the blotchies with the northerns at all. You WILL have fights breaking out.

Also - keeping blotchies and northerns together isn't a good idea due to the temp requirements. Northerns require higher temps than blotchies as they are from a much warmer climate - not to mention where you got them from (QLD).

Blotchies should be brumating now - so the fact that they are not eating sounds about right.
as i said in one of the other threads u commented on luke, i know they can not be kept together all the time - they are there for the moment and monitored very very closely.
they are quite happy. also, thats y the temps are on at night as well for the Northern sake ( it is not to hot for the blotchies before u say it)
here is the thread just in case u forgot :)
It may be a lack of variety in foods, its the same with scorpions and some other lizards i've had, if you continuosly keep feeding them the same food they become bored of it and may even stop eating.

i dont think thats the case with the scorpions mate ;)
I have noticed with my earlier scorpions when they stop eating, that a change in diet helps them start again, my friends have also noticed the same. I imagine you keep scorpions?
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