Cane Toad Croak?

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Southside Morelia

Very Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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Hey all,

With all the recent hype of cane toads invading Gods country the Shire, I live near a creek and have heard some strange sounds over the last bout of wet weather mainly early morning when i go to work...

This is going to be hard to describe in writing, but the sound is like a "throaty knocking sound"..
It's a single knock/croak, then a pause then another.

What do cane toads sound like when they croak.
Like I said I have never heard this type of frog/toad before only over the last couple of weeks and I have never heard a cane toad, so i'm a tad confused...

I'll wait to the weekend and go out with a torch and see what I can find, but until you best all you QLD'ers to try and descibe a cane toad

Cheers Guys.
Do they croak? I don't think I have ever heard them and there are heaps around here.
No it's definately not a trilling noise.
So that's good then, I would have been prepared to go out with some big boots on to do a bit of squishing...
Thanks for the reply...
I guess I just don't notice with all the dogs and crickets and my rats and mice in the room next to me? At the moment I can hear frogs, geckos and birds. Might go listen for toads tonight then - I feel a bit dumb for not noticing now!
I don't notice that noise here at night but I guess it isn't an unfamiliar or strange noise either. Maybe I am just used to hearing it. Thanks for finding that :)
LMAO, that's awesome cris, you've cleared that up....I'm glad you understood the description, you know your
Mate, you were spot on with the marsh frog, that's exactly what it sounds like...well done, top of the class dude!!!

caustichumor, you were 100% correct with your written description, I too would liken the cane toads call as a

Krystal, you might want to get your hearing checked if you havent heard the cane toads only joking, thanks for the input...
Cheers guys
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