Cant believe APS isnt supporting this :rolleyes:

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... i would love an eastern tiger snake thats voided
why? the whole point of keeping elapids is the danger factor, it helps you prove yourself as a real man.
Would you pull the teeth out of garden skink to prevent it mauling you? If you take away a snakes venom it can no longer put you in hospital and the snake will realize this and get depressed.
Who would want to keep an elapid purely because they are interested in the snake rather than its ability to kill ppl?
Personally, I'm not for venemoids. I think it all sucks. But, if given a choice, I'd take being a venemoid snake before being a desexed male dog!!!
This is really infuriating!!! :evil: Whats the point of having a "venemous snake" that's no longer venemous!? Stupid really! Contradicts the reasoning for having a ven in the first place. Anyone that wants to defang a ven should just stick to harmless pythons!!

I'm on the petition 100%.
nah i was thinking of getting a podiatrist... they are more "doctors" lol
Maybe my maths lecturer could do it hes a doctor who is experienced in performing all sorts of operations.
'This petition is not about venomoids, it's about the procedure Ray Hoser uses to remove the venom glands from his snakes. The pros and cons of venomoids is a completely separate issue.'
For all the Harry Potter fans out there.. how much is Hoser like Voldermort - he is the one whose name you cannot speak... On a more serious note (not that comparing he who shall not be named to he who shall be named isn't serious) I'll be signing it..
Personally, I'm not for venemoids. I think it all sucks. But, if given a choice, I'd take being a venemoid snake before being a desexed male dog!!!

That's Gold Peter
the whole point of keeping elapids is the danger factor, it helps you prove yourself as a real man.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That WAS a joke right?....I hate it when I laugh at what I think are people's jokes and they aren't joking :oops: :p
No that wasnt a joke im trying to join the antiray/voiding club :wink:

Oh, that's OK then. Can't see anything wrong in the procedure myself
I would have to say from all i have read Ray's method is far better than what others were doing and i think the reason most ppl object to the procedure is because they dont want to accept that such a procedure can carried out safely and succesfully.

I personally believe ppl are wasting their time with the petition as it isnt credible IMO and even if it was it still wouldnt hold any weight. Maybe ppl could start a petition against John Howard you might actually be able to get more names then they could be cut and pasted onto the anti Ray petition.
i can see both sides of this, but if the snake isn't in pain from the operation i don't see a problem. i have looked over the papers there, and it does look nasty, the way they are taped down etc, but so are many ways of restraining animals for surgery. however i don't think someone without vet trainging should be doing it. i wouldn't have vens because of my kids, but the rbb is one of my favs, if i could have one without worrying that it could kill the kids then i would. however, having said that i think nature made them venemous for a reason.... so i'm divided on the overall topic, but decided upon the belief that no one should operate on an animal without the propper training. the health of the animal must be paramount to wanting to cuddle a ven (imho)
Re: RE: Cant believe APS isnt supporting this :rolleyes:

cris said:
why? the whole point of keeping elapids is the danger factor, it helps you prove yourself as a real man.

Right on, dude! Let's all drink beer, free-handle elapids and shoot stuff!* Yee haw! C'mon! Who's in?

*No offence intended to people who shoot stuff and drink beer :)

For a moment there I wondered if you were serious; many people do have that attitude. I stayed quiet about my elapids for a few years because I didn't want to be taken the wrong way about it.

I have to say, hacking snakes' heads open for the sake of profit or our own convenience doesn't entirely sit well with me, but as with Peter, I'd rather be a venomoid elapid than a desexed male dog (particularly if the surgery was done properly!). As others have said, the petition isn't about venomoids, it's about the fact that in this case the surgery is being done blatantly illegally and in many peoples' opinions, immorally. I haven't signed, largely because I avoid virtually all petitions on principle. In this case, it would seem more appropriate to notify the appropriate authorities with a formal letter of concern. If I was caught dealing hard drugs by a concerned citizen, they wouldn't start a petition, they'd call the police! If someone is performing illegal surgery, surely having a thousand signatures won't make it any more illegal. Probably the biggest surprise is that people have largely stayed quiet (in terms of notifying the authorities) until now, despite the huge number of people yelling and screaming about it over a few beers and on reptile forums. It seems that Hoser wants to be taken to court over this issue as he has spent the last few years publishing what he very well knows to be clearly illegal. Perhaps he wants the issue looked at and the laws doubt he has something in mind - he is certainly no stranger to the courts! Whatever the case, if a formal complaint is made, the authorities should have no choice but to do something. It'll be interesting to watch what happens.

I'm not entirely sided on the issue, but I must say, my stomach uncomfortably gurgles when I hear someone say "I wouldn't keep a dangerous snake, but if I could get a venomoid <species> I would". I also cringe when people desex male dogs and could probably never bring myself to have it done to one I owned, I cringe at body piercings, tattoos, etc, so clearly my feelings on body modifications aren't going to be representative of the attitudes which govern the future of venomous reptile keeping!
Hi All,

I'm going to steer clear of the right and wrong of the Topic. However I would like to point out that the Petition does not have any information about freedom of information, or disclosure statements.
If you sign this email be aware that, the people that it is handed to may on sell it, may use the collected email addresses to send you un-solicited email. I would suggest that if you sign this email you place a simple anti spam email addresses, eg [email protected].

Won't happen, the people runnning it are very trust worthy and only have one goal in mind, stopping this person voiding snakes.
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