Coastal herp society updates

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2006
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mt warren park
Firstly for those who are not in the loop of things, ''Coastal Herp Keepers Group'' based in South East Qld has officially changed its name to
''Coastal Herp Society''

Now for all the updates of the goings on with the club.

As there are a few here who have been involved in this process i would like to say thanks for all your help and support.

After talking to a few interstate guest at the Gold Coast Reptile Expo, I have decided to make this club as formal as it can get.
I know i have been a little quiet since the ''Flood Relief BBQ'', but trust me thing have been going 100 miles an hour.

First points of agenda were to register the bussiness and name (non profit), trademark the name and make the group/club a INC.
I have been in contact with all the authorities and this is all in motion.

Second point of agenda is to form a committee for this group.
This will involve appointing seats to interested people for the formalization of the running of the club
These seats will include President, Vice President, Secretary, treasurer to name the first 4 in the procession.
Then maybe web site, fund raiser( non profit but to cover some costs), 2 seat of board positions and news letter editor to name a few.

Third agenda in stage one of formalizing the group is to gather support and venues
On board already is Currumbin Sanctuary who are more than happy to put their logo on our letterheads and anything else we do and will back us to the end.
I have a meeting organized with them next week on all the finer points of this relationship, but they have stated in writing that they will be involved in any way i let them.
And they have set up a meeting with their marketing manager and GM to help promote this area as well.

Also i have registered all this with the EPA and they have pledged any support i need.
They will help in talks and presentations, directions and any meeting i wish for them to attend.( not many :) )

Discussions are also in place with the 5 local councils in what they may be able to offer us.
Meeting locations are always nice but maybe for field trip they may allow us to venture into restricted park grounds.
These councils include Gold Coast, Ipswich, Logan, Redlands and Brisbane

All letters this week will be sent to all the local Universities and zoos to ask of any assistance they will be happy to offer
Universities are great for feild studies and are a wealth of information for the more advanced herps
So far from who i have spoken to there they have all been supportive and have some great ideas for me/us.

The base of this group as stated from the start is to be a group for EVERYONE.
From the beginner to the most advanced herper.
what i would ideally like to do is cover basics and intermediate discussions in each meeting.
Im sure some of us are happy to show people some of the basics of husbandry, probing, disease and breeding ect to thoses new in the hobby
This i believe can only help with eradicating some of the misconceptions and naivity of some reptile owners
But i would also love to cover some of the more advanced breeding programs and bring Elapid studies in too to name but a few

What i ask now is that if anyone is interested in helping in anyway or to throw support or ideas behind us to come forward.
What i would like to do is form a core group and sit down and have a social yet formal discusion with you in the next few weeks to go over ideas.

And anyone interested in joining once it is all up and running to either express your interest on this thread or pm me

Also i can be emailed if you think you have some information that may help or know of anyone that can, so i can add to my email list

[email protected]

Thanks again for everyones support and i hope you all help get behind this to make this something big



Thanks for all the messages,

So far Troy (Gold Coast reptile Expo) and Stuey (ozziepython) will come along for the core discussions
Note: although beer will be involved, the core group is a more serious discussion, not just a social gathering (they will follow in a few more weeks to kick things off )

Have had great replies to emails,

Thanks to all again, will make some exciting meetings
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Met with Currumbin Sanctuary today,

Had a great time with them and got some really good feedback.

they are prepared to do some deals for us to if we want to conduct any meetings there at there auditarium, plus they will have a reptile keeper there to do displays throughout the event, really happy with how it went and equally happy with the attitude of the staff i dealt with
Sounds good Mick

Scenic Rim Wildlife is running a Reptile Workshop at Maroon, 24th & 25th September :) All Welcome

Can I give the participants your contact details ?

Sandee :)
Well done Mick. You know that you can count on us for anything you need. Give me a call if you like.

Thanks both, i really appreciate it as running this all is new to me.

That would be great Sandee, i was at Currumbin today and they are doing a simillar thing.

And Joy, I have a few things i want to discuss with you, part of what we were talking about at the expo,
So i will give you a buzz in the next day or so, pending how long my physio takes tomorrow.
sounds like we may need to have a not so serious meeting shortly to discuss the more serious points of the serious meetings ;)

good to see the ball is rolling and you're getting some results mick. talk to you soon.
yeah stu we will mate.

guys we all need to get behind this we are in the process of putting everything together including memberships etc so please if you have any questions email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to answer all your questions.

also guys our website will be up and running soon so stay tuned
Good bumping ben :)

Website is only some proof reading off launching,

I have Nat onboard, who is a reputable Greencross vetinary nurse specialising with reptiles, what little she doesnt know she has access too with top vets in the feild,

The core group is nearly formed, with Myself, Ben, Stuey,Troy and Nat all being involved, anyone else want a say put your hand up soon.

I will use and abuse Sandee who has extensive knolledge from QHS (she doesnt know this yet) :)

And also Troy and Joy from our favorite Sacles and Tails magazine.
Nat, the group has had a few meetings now, though they have been very informal, there has been good numbers attending . Hopefully a sign of good things to come.
Ahh ok, hadn't seen any emails or notifications. As you said they were informal so perhaps I need to keep a better eye out :)
Good to hear there has been interest
Ahh ok, hadn't seen any emails or notifications. As you said they were informal so perhaps I need to keep a better eye out :)
Good to hear there has been interest

Nat ,Stuey (ozzie Python) was talking about some of the older meeting we have done earlier in the year. They were all very successful and we had large numbers of people from this site attend.
Now you will be in the core you will know it all before anybody else anyway :)
Just as excited to have you on board.
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