Couple of Questions.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Well Just For the noobies.

What is the order of rodent sizes starting from pinkie right up to large rats?. Ive had multiple noobie people from the site ask me..

How do you treat sticks from outside to use in your snake enclosure. whats the best method.?

Ive been making hides. out of logs.. Cutting them in half and basically making it beaut.. Ill post some picks soon., :)

Ive got about 30+ done atm.. Its good fun for the weekends :)

How would i treat them is the only prob?

THanks. Ben.
Not too sure about the others, but to treat logs and outside stuffs you wash them with a formula called F10. I think, feel free to correct me if im wrong.
Rocks you can wash with waters and put in the oven for a bit, just not too long or the rocks will explode:|
Whats F10? Can i just wash them with car wash or sumthing?

Somebody has to know what the rodent sizes are.. Im not 100% sure tho.. I decide at the pet shop :)
Rat Sizes

Pink Rats
1-6 Days
3-8 Grams

Fuzzy Rats
7-13 Days
9-20 Grams

Pup Rats
2-3 Weeks
21-30 Grams

Weaned Rats
3-4 Weeks
31-45 Grams

Small Rats
4-6 Weeks
46-79 Grams

Medium Rats
6-8 Weeks
80-149 Grams

Large Rats
8-10 Weeks
150-265 Grams

X-Large Rats
10-15 Weeks
266-360 Grams

XX-Large Rats
15-20 Weeks
361-449 Grams

Jumbo Rats
20-35 Weeks
Over 450 Grams
anybody know what you do to treat wood from out in the backyard.
i would like to know aswell as i want to put a log in one of my enclosures and need to clean it...

i have already scrapped all the bark off of it ...
i was gonna spray it with mite spray...
anybody know what you do to treat wood from out in the backyard.

i just throw timber out in the backyard take a second look then forget for few months to dry out naturally ( time varies for width and type) then i suspend them and spray them with a F10 and let it soak thru
and it;s a matter of fitting the timber to cage
When finding decent branches or logs to use from the back garden all I basically do is, pour boiling water over them and then scrub them, I repeat this process until all of the dirt etc has come off the log - you can tell because when you pour the boiling water over the log the water should just run clean, Then I let it sun dry for a couple of days - if the log still looks like it has some stuff on it, I will repeat the process.
What is F10? is there anything that is a normal house hold item i could use to treat it?
What is F10? is there anything that is a normal house hold item i could use to treat it?

F10 is an antiseptic that is generally used for killing mites and ensuring that the enclosure and equipment is sterile, vets use it and you will be able to buy some at your local vet, if they don't have any then I am sure that they will be able to order it.

A 2 second google would of given you all of the informaiton the you require regarding F10.
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