does A.C.T Herp Society still exist? Need rodents

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Not so new Member
Feb 7, 2003
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Does anyone know If the ACT Herp Society is still in existence as all links are dead, or would someone know anyone in the canberra region able to supply feeder rodents as im hitting a wall, the pet shops here are either too unreliable or expensive.
I had 2 different petshops tell me today that they only have pet mice and couldnt or wouldnt help or sell to me. whats the go with that, do pet mice taste bad or something, my niece killed 2 of 3 pet mice the other week just by mishandling and stressing them. If these stores are going to take the moral high ground :roll: at least apply some logic to their thinking.
Also has anyone mail ordered feeders, if that is even done. I have no idea, just a problem to solve.

[email protected]
041 999 4679
Pet stores - hrmmmph

It can be a problem, once they know you are buying them as food instead of pets.

Methinks the motivation behind this attitude is money, not out of any concern for the animal!

Most pet stores sell their mice comparatively cheaply. However, they make their money by selling the extras. You know:

The mouse costs $3. However, you'll need a cage to go with that, sir! Here's an excellent one for $100, with tubes between the different levels, exercise wheels, feeding bin, water dish, etc., etc., etc., to keep your little darling rodents happy. Now make sure you only keep a maximum of 2 mice per cage! You'll need another complete setup if you want more! ... and so on!

I'm not making it up - I've seen it happen! Matter of fact, it happened to me when I first started! :oops:

Oh yeah, that reminds me :

Now that I've moved to rats and have a proper rate cage (!) I have several expensive mouse enclosures I need to get rid of - cheap! Anyone interested?
hahahahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: One million dollars for a pair of mice and a cage. ahahahahahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:
G'day OZ

can't help with the original question. Have you considered breeding your own or alternative food types as a longer term prospect.

I've spoken to pets shops that won't sell their mice because they've "been sprayed with a mite spray which could damage your animals" Whether or not that's true, I don't know, but I certainly know where you're comming from. I need to start breeding my own rodents. :?
Graham, this I have thought about, in fact id be set up now except that GOD (translate- MISSUS) will not allow it, ive often been tempted to just go do it, but when I originally got the snake she kicked up a huge stink for a month before and after it arrived, an my mind is still scarred by the relentless arguing over 5-7 weeks, to go and do it again.
For now while in an apartment, id rather shell out the $$$$ to others than walk around as a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. The constant bombardment of hassle I can do with out there is no price I can really put on a good nights sleep.

My short term reccommendation (I can't spell to save my life - I know that's wrong but I don't know if it's the cc or the mm - or both)

I use the Reptile Munchies Service - The goods arrive in a small foam esky with the contens on ice. It comes by courrier. I don't know if they can deliver to ACT but it may be worth asking. Talk to Kelly on (02) 98633091 or her Mobile 0402418408.

Hi OzDaz, can see where you're coming from, breeding mice and having to put up with the Missus' tantrums.
I would face the same here and have thought of buying a couple of mice if the need would arise (male female of course) and give them to some neighbours kids up the road :evil: and just tell them you?ll take the excess stock of them and they can also sell some to the pet shop and get some pocket money.
Now that I've moved to rats and have a proper rate cage (!) I have several expensive mouse enclosures I need to get rid of - cheap! Anyone interested?

Yeah David can you PM me some details as I might be interested.


As to a rodent supplier in the ACT sorry no idea Oz

:) I was only sort of half-serious about selling the cages, as I wouldn't want to inflict them as is on anyone planning to breed mice in them!

The gaps between the bars are ok for a reasonable sized mouse, but I found out the hard way that weaners that can move around can fit between the gaps. I ended up with a house full of mice! Not pleasant :shock: Took me weeks to find/catch them all!

However, I guess you could cover them with a smaller size wire mesh, so if anyone IS still interested, PM me or email me at dlutz @
At the moment we are using a large plastic tub (from BigW) with most of the lid section cut out and replaced with small guage chicken wire siliconed in its place.Not ideal but it works.
We have another 2 snakes on the way as well so we need to start more stinkin rodent colonies to keep up with the demand.

stinkie rodents

Yeah, they sure do stink. However, I've found that rats are FAR less smelly than mice. My advice, for what its worth, if you're planning to breed them, is to switch to rats as soon as you think your snakes can take rat pinkies.
Yeah Al they do eh?Thats why I let my better half take care of them(she is a good gurl).
We managed to reduce the stink a bit by putting a few drops of vanilla essence in their drinking water.
They still stink but at least now it doesnt bring tears to your eyes.

Personally I much prefer using the westinghouse as the stinking rodent cage though :wink:
if the pets stores wont sell the live mice to you why dont you send your niece in to get them for you........................... how could they say no to a cute little girl
I bit the bullet, and went out to Fishwick and brought 5 male semi juvenile mice (or as the guy at the shop called them "juvenile delinquents", and a adult, 6 all up.
The guy at Bates in Fishwick is a good guy, even shorted himself 4$ rather than me use the master card, got caught short.
Got home and as luck would have it (my luck), GOD was home and seen they were alive, I got away with wacking out 5 batches before, so I had to get caught sooner or later, I always told her they gassed them at the shop :oops: .
Anyway she just looked in horror as i took them out of the box to put into a ex chinese food container, for the freezer as I knew if I started breaking necks, Id soon be wishing I joined them in their fate.
But never one to lose the war with out winning a battle, GOD saved the only white one there and its now living on the entertainment unit.
What really Pi$$e$ me off is the fact that the cats get feed steak, pork, fish and as long as the slaughtering is not done in sight and is in a nicely rapped container at the shop its not a problem. I tend to think If you not prepared to get your hands dirty once and a while don?t preach about it.
It all or nothing if you ask me.
But for now im out of trouble, Ill look to get a bulk order in the near future.

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