does anyone keep garden or wall skinks?

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Almost Legendary
Oct 11, 2005
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they are so common in my area and in many area so wondering if anyone has these in captivity?
hey hornet,you dont need to "keep"them if they live around you,,just make a spot in the yard where they can be comfortable,ie.a rockery ,
or throw down some galvinised iron,
and you can put out food for them if you like,we watch them for hours sometimes pigging out on mealworms and dogfood etc,,catch and release if you want to get closer...i spose you could get them on licence if you wanted to..ive never seen them advertised :)
yea i'm lookin for them on licence, i would love 2 have a crack at breeding both sp
A large number of small skinks are referred to as "garden" and "wall" skinks, I have no idea which species you have in your area, especially as I have no idea where your area is ;). Not many people keep "garden skinks", but there are some around. I have two species, but I doubt I'll have any available for six months or so. Which ones are you after? The small skinks are lots of fun to keep and as long as you manage to keep them alive they're easy to breed.
yea sdaji, wat sp you keep,i have kept and bred wild caught ones b4 but now i have a licence i want to do it legally
the sp i'm after are Lampropholis delicata and Cryptoblepharus virgatus but i would take any small skink sp
how much u think u will be selling them for?
also, do you know anyone who keeps Cryptoblepharus virgatus?
Off topic I know (sorry) but I feed the local garden skinks woodies very now and then. It's good for a laugh, me and the kids go round with a bucket of woodies chucking them in front of any skinks we find. Usually about 20-30 at any given time.
i used 2 catch them, put them in a icecream container, feed them lil woodlice and let them go, they r quite interesting
Hornet: I have no idea about price, I haven't thought about it. In the past I've only done swaps with them, I've never advertised them or sold one for money.

I have no idea who keeps Cryptoblepharus virgatus, or even if any are in captivity at all.
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